Fixed points theorems of non-expanding fuzzy multifunctions

Abdelkader Stouti

Unite de Recherche: Mathematiques et Applications, Faculte des Sciences et Techniques Beni-Mellal, B. P. 523, 23000 Beni-Mellal, Morocco


We prove the existence of a fixed point of non-expanding fuzzy multifunctions in $\alpha$-fuzzy preordered sets. Furthermore, we establish the existence of least and minimal fixed points of non-expanding fuzzy multifunctions in $\alpha$-fuzzy ordered sets.

AMSclassification. 04A72, 03E72, 06A06, 47H10.

Keywords. Fuzzy set, $\alpha$-fuzzy preorder relation, $\alpha$-fuzzy order relation, non-expanding fuzzy multifunction, fixed point.