$g$-natural metrics of constant curvature on unit tangent sphere bundles

M. T. K. Abbassi and G. Calvaruso

Département des Mathématiques, Faculté des Sciences Dhar El Mahraz, Université Sidi Mohamed Ben Abdallah, B.P. 1796, Fès-Atlas, Fès, Morocco
Dipartimento di Matematica “E. De Giorgi”, Università degli Studi di Lecce, Lecce, Italy


Abstract: We completely classify Riemannian $g$-natural metrics of constant sectional curvature on the unit tangent sphere bundle $T_1 M$ of a Riemannian manifold $(M,g)$. Since the base manifold $M$ turns out to be necessarily two-dimensional, weaker curvature conditions are also investigated for a Riemannian $g$-natural metric on the unit tangent sphere bundle of a Riemannian surface.

AMSclassification: primary 53D10; secondary 53C15, 53C25.

Keywords: unit tangent sphere bundle, g-natural metric, curvature tensor, contact metric geometry.

DOI: 10.5817/AM2012-2-81