Address: Department of Mathematics of the University of Yaoundé 1, PO. BOX 812 Yaoundé, Cameroon
Abstract: The tangent lifts of higher order of Dirac structures and some properties have been defined in [9] and studied in [11]. By the same way, the tangent lifts of higher order of Poisson structures have been studied in [10] and some applications are given. In particular, the authors have studied the nature of the Lie algebroids and singular foliations induced by these lifting. In this paper, we study the tangent lifts of higher order of multiplicative Poisson structures, multiplicative Dirac structures and we describe the Lie bialgebroid structures and the algebroid-Dirac structures induced by these prolongations.
AMSclassification: primary 53C15; secondary 53C75, 53D05.
Keywords: Lie groupoids, Lie bialgebroids, multiplicative Dirac structures, tangent functor of higher order, natural transformations.
DOI: 10.5817/AM2013-2-87