Particle Physics Research Group, Institute of Radiation Problems, Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, B.Vahabzade 9, AZ1143 Baku, Azerbaijan
Institut für Physik und IRIS Adlershof, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Zum Grossen Windkanal 6, D12489 Berlin, Germany
Abstract: The purpose of these notes is to give a short survey of an interesting connection between partition functions of supersymmetric gauge theories and hypergeometric functions and to present the recent progress in this direction.
AMSclassification: primary 81T60; secondary 33D60, 33E20, 33D90, 39A13.
Keywords: elliptic hypergeometric function, hypergeometric series on root systems, basic hypergeometric integrals, hyperbolic hypergeometric integrals, superconformal index, supersymmetric duality, Seiberg duality, mirror symmetry.
DOI: 10.5817/AM2015-5-273