Address: Faculty of Mathematics and Physics, Mathematical Institute, Charles University Prague, Sokolovska 49/83, 186 75 Prague
Abstract: This note is based on a short talk presented at the “42nd Winter School Geometry and Physics” held in Srni, Czech Republic, January 15th–22nd 2022. We review the notion of Lie superalgebra cohomology and extend it to different form complexes, typical of the superalgebraic setting. In particular, we introduce pseudoforms as infinite-dimensional modules related to sub-superalgebras. We then show how to extend the Koszul-Hochschild-Serre spectral sequence for pseudoforms as a computational method to determine the cohomology groups induced by sub-superalgebras. In particular, we show as an example the case of $\mathfrak{osp}(1\mid 4)$ and choose $\mathfrak{osp}(1\mid 2) \times \mathfrak{sp} (2)$ as sub-algebra. We finally comment on some physical applications of such new cohomology classes related to super-branes. The note is a compact version of [10].
AMSclassification: primary 17B56; secondary 17B81.
Keywords: Lie superalgebras, cohomology, pseudoforms, integral forms, infinite-dimensional representations.
DOI: 10.5817/AM2022-5-269