author: | Malte Schmick and Mario Markus |
title: | Evidence for intermittency in a granular medium: experiments and simulations. |
keywords: | granular media, intermittency, self-organization |
abstract: | We present the first experimental demonstration of intermittency in a granular medium. The medium consists of magnets embedded within spheres. These spheres are placed in a horizontal Petri dish where they roll by virtue of an alternating, homogenous magnetic field. Due to collisions with the wall, clustering leads to self-organization into ring pieces circulating along the wall. The intermi ttent behaviour consists of an aperiodical alternation of this circular motion with a gaslike state extended over the entire dish. Molecular dynamic simulations agree with observations |
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reference: | Malte Schmick and Mario Markus (2003), Evidence for intermittency in a granular medium: experiments and simulations., in Discrete Models for Complex Systems, DMCS'03, Michel Morvan and Éric Rémila (eds.), Discrete Mathematics and Theoretical Computer Science Proceedings AB, pp. 1-10 |
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