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\dateposted{March 12, 1997}
\PII{S 1079-6762(97)00018-8}
\copyrightinfo{1997}{American Mathematical Society}    
\title[Graph entropy]{ Ergodic behavior of graph entropy }
\author{John  Kieffer}
\address{Department of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota,
200 Union Street SE, Minneapolis, MN 55455}
\author{En-hui Yang}
\address{Department of Mathematics, Nankai University, Tianjin 300071, 
P. R. China}
\thanks{This work was supported in part by the National Science 
Foundation under Grants
NCR-9304984 and NCR-9627965}
\subjclass{Primary 28D99; Secondary 60G10, 94A15}
\keywords{Graphs, entropy, compression, stationary ergodic process}
\commby{Douglas Lind}
\date{December 12, 1996}
\begin{abstract}For a positive integer $n$, let $X^n$ be the vector 
formed by
the first $n$ samples of a stationary ergodic finite alphabet
process. The vector $X^n$ is hierarchically represented via a
finite rooted acyclic directed graph $G_n$. Each terminal vertex
of $G_n$ carries a label from the process alphabet, and $X^n$
can be reconstituted as the sequence of labels at the ends of
the paths from root vertex to terminal vertex in $G_n$.  The
entropy $H(G_n)$ of the graph $G_n$ is defined as a nonnegative
real number computed in terms of the number of incident edges
to each vertex of $G_n$.  An algorithm is given which assigns
to $G_n$ a binary codeword from which $G_n$ can be reconstructed,
such that the length of the codeword is approximately equal to
$H(G_n)$. It is shown that if the number of edges of $G_n$ is
$o(n)$, then the sequence  $\{H(G_n)/n\}$ converges almost surely
to the entropy of the process.

In the hierarchical approach to data compression developed by the authors
\cite{kief1}, \cite{kief2}, \cite{kief3}, finite rooted acyclic directed 
can be used to represent the data strings that are to be compressed. To 
see how this representation works, let us determine the data string $x$ 
represented by the graph in Figure 
1. This graph contains ten edges labelled $1$ through $10$ and two 
terminal vertices labelled $0$ and $1$. If we list the paths in this 
graph that go from root vertex to a terminal vertex, we obtain the ten 
\[(1), (2,5), (2,6), (3,7,5), (3,7,6), (3,8), (4,9,7,5), (4,9,7,6), 
(4,9,8), (4,10).\] %$$
 (The paths are listed in lexicographical order.)  
The string $x$ is then obtained by replacing each path in this list 
with the label on the terminal vertex for that path. We see that $x = 

Let $G = (V,E)$ denote an arbitrary finite rooted acyclic directed 
graph, where $V$ is the set of vertices and $E$ is the set of edges. 
Let $|V|, |E|$ denote the number of vertices and the number of edges, 
respectively. (In general, let $|S|$ denote the cardinality of any 
finite set $S$.) For each $v \in V$, let $i(v)$ be the number of edges 
that terminate at $v$. Following \cite{kief1}, the entropy $H(G)$ of 
the graph $G$ is defined by
\[ H(G) = \sum_{v \in V,\, i(v) \geq 2} 
(i(v)-1)\log \left ( \frac{|E|-|V|+1}{i(v)-1} \right ),\] %$$
where the logarithm throughout shall be to base two. The entropy of the 
graph in Figure 1 is $3 \log 5 + 2 \log (5/2) = 9.61$. \par
Suppose we are given an infinite finite-alphabet sequence $(x_1, x_2, 
\dots)$, and let 
$x^n = (x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n), n \geq 1$.  For each $n$, a graph $G_n$ 
is selected to represent the data string $x^n$. One then compresses 
$x^n$ by assigning a binary codeword to $G_n$ that allows one to 
reconstruct $G_n$ and therefore $x^n$. The length of this codeword is 
approximately equal to $H(G_n)$. (See Lemma 1.) A natural question is 
the behavior of the entropies $\{H(G_n)\}$ as $n \to \infty$ when the 
sequence $(x_1, x_2, \dots)$ is generated by a stationary ergodic 
process. In this case, our main result (Theorem 1) states that 
$\{H(G_n)/n\}$ converges almost surely to the entropy of the process, 
provided only that the number of edges of $G_n$ is $o(n)$. Some of the 
many applications of this result shall be discussed.

%\centerline{{\bf Figure 1}}
\put(0,2.8){\makebox(0,0){{\bf 0}}}
\put(3,-.2){\makebox(0,0){{\bf 1}}}


\section{Main result}
If $B$ is a finite set, let $B^{*}$ denote the set of all strings of 
finite length formed from symbols in $B$. Suppose $s_1, s_2, \dots, 
s_n$ are strings in a set $B^{*}$. Let $s_1*s_2*\dots*s_n$ denote the 
string in $B^{*}$ obtained by concatenating together the strings $s_1, 
s_2, \dots, s_n$ in the indicated order. \par
Let $G = (V,E)$ be a finite rooted acyclic directed graph. Let $V_t$ 
denote the set of terminal vertices of $G$. For each $v \in V,\; v \not 
\in V_t$, let $E^{+}(v)$ denote the set of all edges emanating from 
$v$. For each $v \in V,\; v \not =$ root vertex,  let $E^{-}(v)$ denote 
the set of all edges which terminate at $v$. We say that $G$ is a {\it 
canonical} graph if
\item[(i)] $V = \{1, 2, \dots, |V|\}$ and $1 \in V$ is the root vertex.
\item[(ii)] $E = \{1, 2, \dots, |E|\}$.
\item[(iii)] If $v_1, v_2 \in \{2,\dots,|V|\}$ and $v_1 < v_2$, then 
$\min E^{-}(v_1) < \min E^{-}(v_2)$.
\item[(iv)] If $v_1, v_2 \in \{v \in V : v \not \in V_t\}$ and $v_2 > 
v_1$, then $\min E^{+}(v_2) > \max E^{+}(v_1)$.
Every finite acyclic rooted directed graph is isomorphic to a canonical 
graph, and graph entropy is an isomorphism invariant; therefore, we 
concentrate on canonical graphs from now on.   \par
Let $G = (V,E)$ be a finite rooted acyclic directed canonical graph.  
There is a unique mapping $\psi_G : V \to V_t^{*}$ satisfying the 
following two rules: 

\item[(i)] $\psi_G(v) = v,\; v \in V_t.$
\item[(ii)] If $v \in V,\; v \not \in V_t$, $r = \min E^{+}(v)$, and $s 
= \max E^{+}(v)$,  then
\[\psi_G(v) = \psi_G(v(r))*\psi_G(v(r+1))*\dots*\psi_G(v(s)),\] %$$
where $v(e)$ denotes the vertex at which edge $e$ terminates.
Let $(v_1, v_2, \dots, v_k)$ be the string $\psi_G(1)$. If $(x_1, x_2, 
\dots, x_k)$ is a string of the same length, whose symbols $\{x_i\}$ 
are selected from any set whatsoever, we write $G \to x$ if there is a 
one-to-one mapping $f : V_t \to \{x_1, x_2, \dots, x_k\}$ such that 
$x_i = f(v_i)$ for $1 \leq i \leq k$. Let ${\mathcal G}$ denote the set 
of all finite rooted acyclic directed canonical graphs $G$ such that 
$\psi_G$ is one-to-one. \par
We fix a finite nonempty set $A$ for the rest of the paper. \par
\begin{theorem} \label{th1}
For each $x \in A^{*}$, let $G(x) = (V(x), E(x))$ be a graph in 
$\mathcal G$ such that $G(x) \to x$. Let $(X_1, X_2, \dots)$ be an 
$A$-valued stationary ergodic process  with entropy $H$. Assume that

\[|E(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n)|/n \to 0 \hbox{ almost surely as }  n \to 
\infty.\] %$$ 
\[H(G(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_n))/n \to H \hbox{ almost surely as }  n \to 
\infty.\] %$$  

\noindent {\bf 1.} For each $x \in A^{*}$, let $G(x) = (V(x), E(x))$ be 
a graph in $\mathcal G$ such that $G(x) \to x$. Suppose that $\max 
\{|E(x)| : x \in A^n\} = o(n)$. As shown in 
\cite{kief1}, there is a computationally attractive data compression 
algorithm that assigns to each sufficiently long $x \in A^{*}$ a binary 
codeword of length approximately equal to $H(G(x))$. Theorem 1 tells us 
that this algorithm optimally compresses the first $n$ data samples 
generated by any stationary ergodic $A$-valued process, asymptotically 
as $n \to \infty$. (``Optimally compresses'' refers to the well-known 
fact \cite{covth} that no compression algorithm can achieve an 
asymptotic compression rate in code bits per data sample less than the 
entropy of the process generating the data samples.) 

\noindent {\bf 2.} 
The well-known Lempel-Ziv parsing rule 
\cite{zivlempel} partitions each string $x \in A^{*}$ into $t = t(x)$ 
phrases such that
\item[(i)] Each phrase is either a singleton or is obtained by 
adjoining a symbol to the end of a preceding phrase.
\item[(ii)] The first $t-1$ phrases are distinct.
For example, the Lempel-Ziv parsing of the data string $0010110111$ is 
$(0)$, $(01)$, 
$(011)$, $(0111)$. Let $(X_1, X_2, \dots)$ be an $A$-valued stationary 
ergodic process with entropy $H$. Theorem 1 can be used to deduce the 
asymptotic expansion 
\[ %$$
t(X_1,X_2,\dots,X_n) = \frac{Hn}{\log n} + o \left (\frac{n}{\log n} 
\right ) \hbox{ almost surely.} %$$
(One defines a graph $G(x) \to x$ such that $H(G(x))$ is approximately 
equal to $t(x) \log n$ whenever $x \in A^n$ and $n$ is large.) 

\noindent {\bf 3.} Let $\phi : [0,\infty) \to (- \infty, \infty)$ be 
the function such that $\phi(0) = 0$ and $\phi(x) = x \log x$ for $x > 
0$. Let $n > 1$ be an integer and let $x \in A^{2^n}$. For each integer 
$k$ such that $0 \leq k \leq n$, let $S_k(x)$ be the set of all $y \in  
A^{2^k}$ that appear in the partitioning of $x$ into substrings of 
length $2^k$. If $y \in A^{2^k}$ for $0 \leq k < n$, let $N_l(y|x)$ be 
the number of $z$ such that $y*z \in S_{k+1}(x)$ and let $N_r(y|x)$ be 
the number of $z$ such that $z*y \in S_{k+1}(x)$.   Define $Q_k(x)$ to 
be the number
\[ %$$
Q_k(x) = \phi \left (\sum_{y \in A^{2^k}} \{N_l(y|x) + N_r(y|x) - 1\} 
\right ) - \sum_{y \in A^{2^k}} \phi \left (N_l(y|x) + N_r(y|x) - 1 
\right ). %$$
Let $(X_1, X_2, \dots)$ be an $A$-valued stationary ergodic process 
with entropy $H$.
Using Theorem 1 one can deduce the following limit formula for $H$:
\[ %$$
\frac{1}{2^n} \sum_{k=0}^{n-1} Q_k(X_1, X_2, \dots, X_{2^n})  \to H 
\hbox{ almost surely as } n \to \infty. %$$
Each string $y$ lying in the union of the $S_k(x), 0 \leq k \leq n$, 
generates a vertex $v(y)$ of a graph $G(x)$. If the length of $y$ is at 
least two, two edges emanate from $v(y)$, one going to $v(y_1)$ and one 
going to $v(y_2)$, where $y_1$ and $y_2$ are the right and left halves 
of $y$. One then applies Theorem 1 to the graphs $\{G(x)\}$.

\section{Ancillary results}
\begin{lemma} \label{le1}
Let $k$ be a positive integer. Let ${\mathcal G}_k = \{G = (V,E) \in 
{\mathcal G} : |E| \leq k\}$. The members of ${\mathcal G}_k$ can be 
assigned distinct binary codewords so that
\item[(i)] The codeword assigned to $G \in {\mathcal G}_k$ is of length 
no greater than $H(G) + 6k + 1$.
\item[(ii)] No codeword is a prefix of any other codeword.

\begin{lemma} \label{le2}
For $0 < \epsilon < 1$, and $n$ sufficiently large, define 
$h_{\epsilon}(x)$ for $x \in A^n$ by
\[ %$$
h_{\epsilon}(x) = \min \{H(G) : G = (V,E) \in {\mathcal G}, \; G \to 
x, \; |E| < n \epsilon \}. %$$
\[ %$$
\lim_{\epsilon \to 0}\; \limsup_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \log \left 
(\sum_{x \in A^n} 2^{-h_{\epsilon}(x)} \right ) = 0. %$$

\begin{lemma} \label{le3}
Let $k$ be a positive integer. Then there exists a function $f_k : (0, 
\infty) \to (-\infty, \infty)$ satisfying $\lim_{t \to 0^{+}} f_k(t) = 
0$ for which
\begin{equation} %$$
H(G)/n \leq f_k \left (|E|/n \right ) - \frac{1}{nk} \sum_{i=0}^{n-k+
1} \log \mu(x_i, x_{i+1}, \dots, x_{i+k-1}) %\eqno(4.1) %$$
whenever $n \geq k$, $\mu$ is a probability distribution on $A^k$, $x 
\in A^n$, and $G = (V,E) \in {\mathcal G}$ with $G \to x$. 

%\noindent {\bf 
\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma 1] %.} \par
We call the binary symbols in the codeword for $G = (V,E) \in 
{\mathcal G}_k$ ``codebits''. The first $6k$ codebits in the codeword 
serve to identify each of the following six entities concerning $G$:
\item[(i)] $|E|$.
\item[(ii)] $|V|$.
\item[(iii)] $V_t$.
\item[(iv)] The cardinalities of the sets $E^{+}(v),\; v \in V,\; v 
\not \in V_t$.
\item[(v)] The cardinalities of the sets $E^{-}(v),\; v \in V,\; v \not 
= 1$.
\item[(vi)] The positions in the vector $(v(1), v(2), \dots, v(|E|))$ 
where each vertex $v \not = 1 \in V$ first appears.
Let $s_G$ be the string obtained from $(v(1), v(2), \dots, v(|E|))$ by 
deleting the first appearance of each vertex $v \not = 1 \in V$.  The 
$J$ remaining codebits identify the string $s_G$, and one then 
identifies $G$ from $s_G$ and items (i)--(vi). The string $s_G$ lies in 
the set $S_G$ of all strings of length $|E|-|V|+1$ in which each $v 
\not = 1 \in V$ appears $|E^{-}(v)|-1$ times. Taking $J = \lceil \log 
|S_G| \rceil,\; J \leq H(G) + 1$. 
%\bigskip\noindent {\bf 
\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma 2] %.} \par\noindent
 Fix $n$ so large that $h_{\epsilon}(x)$ is defined for each 
$x \in A^n$. For each such $x$, pick a $G_x = (V_x, E_x) \in {\mathcal 
G}$ such that  $H(G_x) = h_{\epsilon}(x),\, G_x \to x$, and $|E_x| < n 
\epsilon$. According to Lemma 1, we can assign to each $G \in {\mathcal 
G}_n = \{G_x : x \in A^n\}$ a binary codeword of length $L(G) \leq H(G) 
+ 6n \epsilon + 1$. Kraft's inequality from information theory 
(\cite{covth}, page 82) tells us that $\sum_{G \in {\mathcal G}_n} 
2^{-L(G)} \leq 1$. From this and the fact that  there are $\leq 
|A|^{n\epsilon}$ strings $x \in A^n$ such that $G \to x$ for each $G 
\in {\mathcal G}_n$, it follows that
\[ %$$
 \sum_{x \in A^n} 2^{-L(G_x)} \leq |A|^{n\epsilon}, %$$
and therefore
\[ %$$
\sum_{x \in A^n} 2^{-h_{\epsilon}(x)} \leq 2^{6n\epsilon + 
1}|A|^{n\epsilon}. %$$
%\par\bigskip\noindent {\bf Proof of Lemma 3.} \par
\begin{proof}[Proof of Lemma 3]
Fix $k$ and a probability distribution $\mu$ on $A^k$. For 
each pair $j,n$ in which $0 \leq j < k$ and $n \geq k$, let $W_{j,n} = \{1 
\leq i \leq n-k+1 : i \equiv j \hbox{ mod } k \}$. For each string $s = 
(s_1, s_2, \dots, s_n) \in A^{*}$, define $\lambda(s)$ as follows: 
\item[(i)] $\lambda(s) = 1, \, n < k$.
\item[(ii)] $\lambda(s) = \max_{0 \leq j < k} \left [ \prod_{i \in 
W_{j,n}} \mu(s_i, s_{i+1}, \dots, s_{i+k-1}) \right ], \, n \geq k$,
where an empty product is taken to be one. For each $s \in A^{*}$, 
define $\lambda^{*}(s) = C^{-1} |s|^{-2}\lambda(s)$, where $|s|$ 
denotes the length of $s$ and $C$ is the positive real constant 
(depending on $k$) that makes the numbers $\{\lambda^{*}(s) : s \in 
A^{*}\}$ sum to one.
Fix $n \geq k, \, x = (x_1, \dots, x_n) \in A^n$, and $G = (V,E) \in 
{\mathcal G}$ such that $G \to x$. Let $r = |E| - |V| + |V_t| + 1$. The 
function which carries $\psi_G(1)$ into $x$ also carries each 
$\psi_G(v)$ into a string $\psi_G^{*}(v)\ (v \in V, \, v \not = 1)$.  
There exist strings $\{s_i : 1 \leq i \leq r\}$ such that
\item[(i)] $\{s_i : |E|-|V|+1 < i \leq r\} = \{x_1, x_2, \dots, x_n\}$.
\item[(ii)] $|\{1\leq i\leq |E|-|V|+1 : s_i = \psi_G^{*}(v)\}| = 
|E^{-}(v)|-1, \, v \in V, v \not = 1$.
\item[(iii)] $x = \tilde{s}_1*\tilde{s}_2*\dots *\tilde{s}_r, \,$ for 
some permutation $\{\tilde{s}_i\}$ of $\{s_i\}$.
Note that
\[ %$$
\prod_{i=1}^{n-k+1} \mu (x_i, \dots, x_{i+k-1}) \leq \left 
[\prod_{i=1}^r \lambda(s_i) \right ]^k \, . %$$
Replacing $\lambda(s_i)$ by $C|s_i|^2 \lambda^{*}(s_i)$, and taking the 
logarithm of both sides,
\[ %$$
-\sum_{i=1}^{|E|-|V|+1} \log \lambda^{*}(s_i) \leq 2 \sum_{i=1}^r 
\log |s_i| + r \log C - \frac{1}{k} \sum_{i=1}^{n-k+1} \log \mu (x_i, 
\dots, x_{i+k-1}). %$$
Concavity of the logarithm function yields the bound
\[ %$$
2 \sum_{i=1}^r \log |s_i| \leq 2r \log \left (\frac{n}{r} \right ). %$$
For each $s = \psi_G^{*}(v),  v \in V, \, v \not = 1$, define 
$\sigma(s) = (|E^{-}(v)|-1)/(|E|-|V|+1)$. Then
\[ %$$
H(G) = -\sum_{i=1}^{|E|-|V|+1} \log \sigma(s_i) \leq 
-\sum_{i=1}^{|E|-|V|+1} \log \lambda^{*}(s_i). %$$
Condition (4.1) is true with $f_k(t) = \sup_{0<\delta \leq t} \{\delta 
\log C - 2\delta \log \delta \}$. 
\renewcommand{\qed}{}\end{proof} %\par

%\bigskip\noindent {\bf Proof of Theorem 1.} \par\noindent 
\begin{proof}[Proof of Theorem 1]
Let $(X_1, X_2, \dots)$ be a stationary ergodic $A$-valued 
process with entropy $H$. For $n \geq 1$, let $X^n = (X_1, X_2, \dots, 
X_n)$. If $x \in A^{*}$ has length $n$, define $\mu (x) = \Pr[ X^n = 
x]$. From (4.1) we see that $\limsup_{n \to \infty} H(G(X^n))/n 
\leq H$ almost surely. \par
Fix $\delta > 0$. By Lemma 2, there exists $\epsilon$ such that for $n$ 
sufficiently large,
\[ %$$
\Pr \left [ \log \left (\frac{2^{-h_{\epsilon}(X^n)}}{\mu(X^n)} 
\right ) \geq n\delta \right ] < 2^{-n{\delta}/2}. %$$
Applying the Borel-Cantelli lemma, 
\begin{equation} %$$
\limsup_{n \to \infty} \frac{1}{n} \log \left 
(\frac{2^{-h_{\epsilon}(X^n)}}{\mu(X^n)} \right ) \leq \delta  \hbox{  
almost surely.} %\eqno(5.1) %$$
Replacing $h_{\epsilon}(X^n)$ by $H(G(X^n))$ in (5.1), and then using 
the fact that \[ %$$
-n^{-1} \log \mu(X^n) \to H \hbox{ a.s.} %$$
(Shannon-McMillan-Breiman Theorem), one concludes that
\[ %$$
\liminf_{n \to \infty} H(G(X^n))/n \geq H - \delta \hbox{  almost 
surely,} %$$
for an arbitrary $\delta > 0$.              

\bibitem{covth} T.\ M.\ Cover and J.\ A.\ Thomas, {\em Elements of 
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\bibitem{kief1} J.\ Kieffer and E.-H.\ Yang, ``A complexity reduction 
method for
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Dept.\ of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 
\bibitem{kief2} J.\ Kieffer, E.-H.\ Yang, G.\ Nelson, and P.\ Cosman, 
compression via bisection trees,'' Technical Report, Dept.\ of Electrical
Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 1996
\bibitem{kief3} J.\ Kieffer, G.\ Nelson, and E.-H.\ Yang, ``Tutorial on 
quadrisection method for lossless data compression,'' Technical Report,
Dept.\ of Electrical Engineering, University of Minnesota Twin Cities, 
\bibitem{zivlempel} A.\ Lempel and J.\ Ziv, \textit{On the complexity of 
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IEEE Trans.\ Inform.\ Theory, \textbf{22} (1976), 75--81.  
