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\dateposted{December 24, 2004}
\PII{S 1079-6762(04)00140-4}
\copyrightinfo{2004}{American Mathematical Society}




\newcommand{\newop}[1]{\expandafter\def\csname #1\endcsname{\mathop{\rm




\title[Counterexamples to the Neggers-Stanley conjecture]
{Counterexamples to the Neggers-Stanley conjecture}
\author{Petter Br\"and\'en}
\address{Department of Mathematics,
Chalmers University of Technology and G\"oteborg University,
S-412~96  G\"oteborg,
\commby{Sergey Fomin}
\date{August 31, 2004}

\subjclass[2000]{Primary 06A07, 26C10}
\keywords{Neggers-Stanley conjecture, partially ordered set, linear
extension, real roots}

The Neggers-Stanley conjecture  asserts 
that the polynomial counting the linear 
extensions of a labeled finite
partially ordered set  by the number of descents has 
real zeros only. We provide counterexamples to this conjecture. 


A finite partially ordered set (\emph{poset}) $P$ of cardinality 
$p$ is said to be \emph{labeled} if its elements are identified with 
the integers  $1,2,\ldots, p$. 
We will use the symbol $\prec$ to denote the 
partial order on~$P$ and $<$ to denote the usual order on the 
The {\em Jordan-H\"older set} $\mathcal{L}(P)$ 
is the set of permutations $\pi=(\pi_1,\ldots,\pi_p)$ of~
$[p]\stackrel{\rm def}{=}\{1,2,\ldots, p\}$ 
which encode the linear extensions of~$P$. 
More precisely, $\pi\in\mathcal{L}(P)$ 
if $\pi_i \prec \pi_j$ implies~$i \pi_{i+1}$. 
Let $\des(\pi)$ denote the number of descents in~$\pi$. 
The \emph{$W$-polynomial} of a labeled poset $P$ is defined by 
W(P,t) = \sum_{\pi \in \mathcal{L}(P)}t^{\des(\pi)}.
$W$-polynomials appear naturally in many combinatorial contexts 
\cite{Brenti,Simion,Stanleythesis}, and are connected to Hilbert series 
of the Stanley-Reisner rings of simplicial complexes 
\cite[Section III.7]{Stanleygreen} and algebras with straightening laws 
\cite[Theorem 5.2.]{StanleyHilbert}.

Let $P_{2,2}$ be the labeled poset shown in Figure~\ref{fig}. Then 
so $W(P_{2,2},t)=4t+t^2$.

              2& 4&&\\
              1\e[u]& 3\e[lu]\e[u]&&
\caption{The poset $P_{2,2}$.}

When $P$ is a $p$-element antichain, 
then $\mathcal{L}(P)$ consists of all permutations of~$[p]$, and 
$W(P,t)$ is the $p$th {\em Eulerian polynomial}. The Eulerian 
polynomials are known \cite{Harper} to have only real zeros. 
In this instance, the \emph{Neggers-Stanley conjecture} holds: 

For any finite labeled poset~$P$, 
all zeros of the polynomial $W(P,t)$ are real.

A poset $P$ is \emph{naturally labeled} if 
$i\prec j$ implies~$i