L. B. Beasley, A. E. Guterman, S.-C. Yi | |
Linear preservers of extremes of rank inequalities over semirings: term-rank and zero-term-rank | 3-21 |
E. A. Blagoveshchenskaya | |
Automorphisms of endomorphism rings of a class of almost completely decomposable groups | 23-50 |
E. I. Bunina, A. V. Mikhalev | |
Elementary equivalence of categories of modules over rings, endomorphism rings, and automorphism groups of modules | 51-134 |
E. I. Bunina, A. V. Mikhalev | |
Elementary equivalence of endomorphism rings of Abelian
135-224 |
M. A. Turmanov | |
On pureness in Abelian groups | 225-238 |
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Location: http://mech.math.msu.su/~fpm/eng/k04/k042/
Last modified: December 23, 2004