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  Editors-in-chief: C. A. Athanasiadis, T. Lam, A. Munemasa, H. Van Maldeghem
ISSN 0925-9899 (print) • ISSN 1572-9192 (electronic)

The Structure of Automorphism Groups of Cayley Graphs and Maps

Robert Jajcay

DOI: 10.1023/A:1008763602097


The automorphism groups Aut( C( G, X)) and Aut( CM( G, X, p)) of a Cayley graph C( G, X) and a Cayley map CM( G, X, p) both contain an isomorphic copy of the underlying group G acting via left translations. In our paper, we show that both automorphism groups are rotary extensions of the group G by the stabilizer subgroup of the vertex 1 G . We use this description to derive necessary and sufficient conditions to be satisfied by a finite group in order to be the (full) automorphism group of a Cayley graph or map and classify all the finite groups that can be represented as the (full) automorphism group of some Cayley graph or map.

Pages: 73–84

Keywords: Cayley graph; Cayley map; automorphism group

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