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  Editors-in-chief: C. A. Athanasiadis, T. Lam, A. Munemasa, H. Van Maldeghem
ISSN 0925-9899 (print) • ISSN 1572-9192 (electronic)

Derivation modules of orthogonal duals of hyperplane arrangements

Joseph P.S. Kung1 and Hal Schenck2
1University of North Texas Department of Mathematics Denton TX USA 76203
2Texas A\&M University Department of Mathematics College Station TX USA 77843

DOI: 10.1007/s10801-006-0023-6


Let A be an n \times  d matrix having full rank n. An orthogonal dual A \perp  of A is a (d-n) \times  d matrix of rank ( d -  n) such that every row of A \perp  is orthogonal (under the usual dot product) to every row of A. We define the orthogonal dual for arrangements by identifying an essential (central) arrangement of d hyperplanes in n-dimensional space with the n \times  d matrix of coefficients of the homogeneous linear forms for which the hyperplanes are kernels. When n \geq  5, we show that if the matroid (or the lattice of intersection) of an n-dimensional essential arrangement A {\mathcal A} contains a modular copoint whose complement spans, then the derivation module of the orthogonally dual arrangement A {\mathcal A} \perp  has projective dimension at least \lceil  n(n+2)/4 \rceil  - 3.

Pages: 253–262

Keywords: keywords hyperplane arrangement; module of derivations; projective dimension; matroid; orthogonal duality

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© 1992–2009 Journal of Algebraic Combinatorics
© 2012 FIZ Karlsruhe / Zentralblatt MATH for the EMIS Electronic Edition