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![]() Vol. 14, No. 2, pp. 509--522 (2004) |
Injectivity of the Double Fibration Transform for Cycle Spaces of Flag DomainsAlan T. Huckleberry and Joseph A. WolfAlan T. HuckleberryFakult\" at f\" ur Mathematik Ruhr--Universit\" at Bochum D--44780 Bochum, Germany ahuck@cplx.ruhr-uni-bochum.de and Joseph A. Wolf Department of Mathematics University of California Berkeley, CA 94720--3840, USA jawolf@math.berkeley.edu Abstract: The basic setup consists of a complex flag manifold $Z=G/Q$ where $G$ is a complex semisimple Lie group and $Q$ is a parabolic subgroup, an open orbit $D = G_0(z) \subset Z$ where $G_0$ is a real form of $G$, and a $G_0$--homogeneous holomorphic vector bundle $\mathbb E \to D$. The topic here is the double fibration transform ${\cal P}: H^q(D;{\cal O}(\mathbb E)) \to H^0({\cal M}_D;{\cal O}(\mathbb E'))$ where $q$ is given by the geometry of $D$, ${\cal M}_D$ is the cycle space of $D$, and $\mathbb E' \to {\cal M}_D$ is a certain naturally derived holomorphic vector bundle. Schubert intersection theory is used to show that ${\cal P}$ is injective whenever $\mathbb E$ is sufficiently negative. Full text of the article:
Electronic version published on: 1 Sep 2004. This page was last modified: 1 Sep 2004.
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