Journal of Lie Theory
8(1), 51-66 (1998)

Visualization of the isometry group action on the Fomenko--Matveev--Weeks manifold

A. Mednykh, A. Vesnin

Alexander Mednykh
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Siberian Branch
Russian Academy of Sciences
Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Andrei Vesnin
Sobolev Institute of Mathematics
Siberian Branch
Russian Academy of Sciences
Novosibirsk 630090, Russia

Abstract: The smallest known three-dimensional closed orientable hyperbolic ma\-ni\-fold ${\M}_1$, whose volume is equal to $0.94\dots$, was obtained independently by A. Fo\-men\-ko and S. Matveev and by J. Weeks. It is known that the isometry group of the manifold ${\M}_1$ is isomorphic to the dihedral group $\D_6$ of order $12$. The aim of the present paper is to describe the lattice of the action of the isometry group $\mbox{Isom} (\M_1)$ on the manifold $\M_1$. We obtain all orbifolds which arise as quotient spaces of $\M_1$ by the action of the subgroups of $\mbox{Isom} (\M_1)$. In particular, we describe the manifold $\M_1$ as the two-fold covering of the 3-sphere branched over the knot $9_{49}$ and as the cyclic three-fold covering of the 3-sphere branched over the two-bridge knot $5_2$.

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