S. Gun, B. Ramakrishnan, B. Sahu, R. Thangadurai, School of Mathematics, Harish Chandra Research Institute, Chhatnag Road, Jhusi, 211019 Allahabad, India, e-mail: sanoli@mri.ernet.in, ramki@mri.ernet.in, sahu@mri.ernet.in, thanga@mri.ernet.in
Abstract: In this article we study, using elementary and combinatorial methods, the distribution of quadratic non-residues which are not primitive roots modulo $p^h$ or $2p^h$ for an odd prime $p$ and $h\geq1$ an integer.
Keywords: quadratic non-residues, primitive roots, Fermat numbers
Classification (MSC2000): 11N69
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