New York Journal of Mathematics 
Instructions for submission of articles


Authors should submit their paper by email to the member of the editorial board closest to the research field of the paper. Be sure you send the paper to only ONE of our editors! For the convenience of authors, a guide to the research areas of individual editorial members is given here.

A paper should be submitted in the form of a pdf attachment or a web link to ArXiv. After review and acceptance, the corresponding author will be asked to provide a standard LaTeX file for the manuscript along with any picture files. In the case of multiple pictures, the final submission should be in the form of a zip file containing all necessary files.

As you prepare the final version of your paper for publication (after the paper has been accepted), we ask your cooperation in fine-tuning your source files to be compatible with our production system. Most importantly, please prepare your LaTeX source in 11 point font, using letter size paper (not A4), with our custom class file "nyjm.cls" which you can download from the NYJM website. Please make your LaTeX file as simple as possible. In particular, please remove any code that alters either the page layout or the look and feel of the standard environments (lists, theorems, etc.). You should avoid excessive use of new commands, new enviroments, and unnecessary packages.

It is also important that your source files be compatible with our standard hyperref code. We provide extensive internal and external links. The code we use is in our standard header file. Our hyperref code requires that the pdf file be prepared using pdflatex. If there are incompatibilities with pdflatex, we will need to handle them before the paper can be published.

Complete style specifications are available from the NYJM website. We especially appreciate your assistance with bibliographic issues. We include links to MathSciNet and zbMATH for each entry, along with links to arXiv versions and the doi. We would really appreciate your help in finding as many of the above as possible and putting them in the final version. See our sample bibliography for help with formatting yours to be compatible with the NYJM style. We will not process any separate bib files.

The following information is mandatory in each accepted paper:

  • complete address and email for each author,
  • an abstract,
  • several keywords,
  • several AMS subject classification numbers (currently we allow both 2010 and 2020 versions),
  • funding information if any.

Finally, we will post your abstract as an HTML document. So please minimize the use of mathematical formulas and symbols in the title and abstract.