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Groupes de Galois arithmétiques et différentiels. Actes du colloque du CIRM (Luminy, 8-13 Mars 2004)
Daniel Bertrand - Pierre Dèbes (Éd.)
Séminaires et Congrès 13 (2006), xxii+391 pages
Maint Berkenbosch
Algorithms and Moduli Spaces for Differential Equations
Abstract and full text
Maint Berkenbosch - Marius van der Put
Families of linear differential equations on the projective line
Abstract and full text
Philip Boalch
Brief introduction to Painlevé VI
Abstract and full text
Alexandru Buium
Correspondences, Fermat quotients, and uniformization
Abstract and full text
Jean-Marc Couveignes
Jacobiens, jacobiennes et stabilité numérique
Abstract and full text
Pierre Dèbes
An Introduction to the Modular Tower Program
Abstract and full text
Michael Dettweiler - Stefan Wewers
Variation of parabolic cohomology and Poincaré duality
Abstract and full text
Michael D. Fried
The Main Conjecture of Modular Towers and its higher rank generalization
Abstract and full text
Razvan Litcanu - Leonardo Zapponi
Properties of Lamé operators with finite monodromy
Abstract and full text
Stéphane Malek
On the Riemann-Hilbert problem and stable vector bundles on the Riemann sphere
Abstract and full text
B. H. Matzat
Integral p-adic Differential Modules
Abstract and full text
Florian Pop
Galois theory of Zariski prime divisors
Abstract and full text
Matthieu Romagny - Stefan Wewers
Hurwitz spaces
Abstract and full text
Darren Semmen
The group theory behind modular towers
Abstract and full text
Carlos Simpson
Formalized proof, computation, and the construction problem in algebraic geometry
Abstract and full text