SIGMA 19 (2023), 014, 23 pages arXiv:2206.15137
A Generalization of Zwegers' μ-Function According to the q-Hermite-Weber Difference Equation
Genki Shibukawa and Satoshi Tsuchimi
Department of Mathematics, Kobe University, Rokko, 657-8501, Japan
Received July 02, 2022, in final form February 25, 2023; Published online March 23, 2023
We introduce a one parameter deformation of the Zwegers' μ-function as the image of q-Borel and q-Laplace transformations of a fundamental solution for the q-Hermite-Weber equation. We further give some formulas for our generalized μ-function, for example, forward and backward shift, translation, symmetry, a difference equation for the new parameter, and bilateral q-hypergeometric expressions. From one point of view, the continuous q-Hermite polynomials are some special cases of our μ-function, and the Zwegers' μ-function is regarded as a continuous q-Hermite polynomial of ''−1 degree''.
Key words: Appell-Lerch series; q-Boerl transformation; q-Laplace transformation; q-hypergeometric series; continuous q-Hermite polynomial; mock theta functions.
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