WMY2000 NewsLetter 5 logoW200.gif (1616 octets)









"The ICMI WMY 2000 committee"

The Executive Committee of the International Commission on Mathematical Instruction (ICMI) has appointed an ad hoc committee to take the lead, on behalf of the Executive Committee, in planning and preparing ICMI's contributions to WMY 2000. The ICMI WMY 2000 Committee is meant to be both a 'think tank', to generate and propose ideas for WMY 2000 activities prior to and in 2000, and a 'task force' in charge of planning, and partly carrying out, the ICMI WMY 2000 programme. The Committee is chaired by ICMI's President, Professor Miguel de Guzman, Madrid (Spain). The Committee has the following members :

Professor Miguel de Guzman, Chair
Facultad de Ciencias Mathematicas,
Universidad Complutense
28040 Madrid
fax : +34 1 6301699
e-mail : mdeguzman@bitmailer.net

Professor Bernard Hodgson
Universite Laval, Quebec, QC

Professor Hikosaboru Komatsu
Tokyo Science University, Tokyo,

Professor Lee, Peng Yee
National Institute of Education,

Professor Eduard Luna,
Barry University, Miami Shores, Florida

Professor Michael Neubrand
Flensburg Pedagogical University, Flensburg

Professor Kaye Stacey
University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC

French Committee for Mathematical year 2000


A French Committee for Mathematical Year 2000 (CFAM 2000) has been created. Its purpose is to coordinate and help initiate activities connected to WMY 2000 in France and to participate in international projects. The committee plans to work in an informal way. A number of projects are already planned or under consideration.

The CFAM 2000 includes representatives of both French mathematical societies (SMF and SMAI), of "Femmes et Mathématiques" and mathematics teachers' organizations (APMEP and UPS), as well as individuals.

The present members of the committee are : Martin Andler (chair), André Bellaïche, Jean Brette, Mireille Chaleyat-Maurel, Michel Enock, Catherine Goldstein, Jean-Pierre Kahane, Jean-Michel Kantor, Jean-Marie Schwartz, Gérard Tronel, Liliane Zweig.

The committee's address is :

c/o Martin Andler,
SMF, Institut Henri-Poincaré,
11 rue Pierre-et-Marie-Curie, 75231 Paris Cedex 05.
Fax : 33 01 40 46 90 96. E-mail : andler@math.uvsq.fr.

Mission pour la célébration de l'an 2000

(Mission for the celebration of year 2000)


The "Year 2000" appeals strongly to the imagination : to celebrate its advent the French government has launched a program

"Célébration pour l'an 2000".

This program is in two parts :

  1. April 6, 1997 to December 31, 1999. During this period of 1000 days meetings will be organized around the country in preparation of the Year 2000.

  2. September 1999 - April 2001 - La France, l'Europe, le Monde. Meetings and exhibitions will take place on these general thema in different towns.

Information can be obtained from : Project@celebration 2000. gouv.fr

CQEM (Conseil Québécois de l'Enseignement des Mathématiques)


The following events are planned in Quebec for the year 2000 :

Contact : Richard Pallascio

Canadian Mathematical Society


The Canadian Mathematical Society has established a WMY 2000 Committee chaired by Bernard Hodgson to identify some ways of participating in the Mathematical Year 2000.

Contact : Bernard Hodgson

American Mathematical Society  (AMS)

The latest information on what AMS is doing for year 2000 is carried on the web page

http://ams.org/amsmtgs/wmy 2000.html

IMU Committee for the Year 2000/UNESCO


This Committee has been set up to coordinate plans for WMY 2000 with UNESCO. The following have agreed to serve on the committee : A. Ashour (Egypt), M. Chaleyat-Maurel , chair (France), M.S. Narashincan (India), M. Niss (Denmark), R. Rebolledo (Chile), A. Sierpinska (Canada) and G. Tronel (France).



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