An die
Bergische Universität -
Gesamthochschule Wuppertal
Fachbereich Mathematik
z.Hd. Frau Stefanie Krivsky

D-42097 Wuppertal

Fax No. +49 / 202 / 439-2912

Please supply:
.......... set(s) of Wuppertal-posters (English)
.......... set(s) of Wuppertal-posters (German)
.......... set(s) of Berlin-posters (English)
Price (at cost):  DM 20,00 / set of 5 Wuppertal-posters  (EUR 10,23)
DM 10,00 / set of 3 Berlin-posters  (EUR 5,12)
Shipment costs (incl. packing)
for each consignment of approx. 4-6 sets:
Europe  Economy DM 16,00 (EUR 8,18)
Overseas [ ] Premium  DM 33,00 (EUR 16,88)
[ ] Economy  DM 18,00 (EUR 9,20)

Address:  ..............................................................................

Payment O Credit Card [ ] American Express 
[ ] Master Card 
[ ] Visa 
Card holder's name:
Expiry date:
O Bank transfer (free of charge for the payee)
Payee: Universitätskasse Düsseldorf
Account No. : 4 051 710 
Bank: WestLB Düsseldorf, Bank Code 300 500 00
Reference: W/2811/07126



...........................................  ......................................................
(Date) (signature)