Mathematical English Usage - a Dictionary

by Jerzy Trzeciak


[see also: either

Both f and g are obtained by...... [Or: f and g are both obtained]

For both C and analytic categories,......

Here C behaves covariantly with respect to maps of both X and G.

We now apply (3) to both sides of (6).

Both conditions <Both these conditions/Both the conditions> are restrictions only on...... [ Note: the after both]

Then C lies on no segment both of whose endpoints lie in K.

Two consecutive elements do not belong both to A or both to B.

Both its sides are convex. [Or: Its sides are both convex.]

Here B and C are nonnegative numbers, not both 0.

Choose points x in M and y in N, both close to z, such that......

We show how this method works in two cases. In both, C is......

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