Mathematical English Usage - a Dictionary

by Jerzy Trzeciak


[see also: importance] The interest of the lemma is in the assertion that......

There has recently been increasing interest in the theory of......

Our interest in extending Strang's results comes from the fact that......

The author's interest in this problem was recently rekindled by a conversation with David Lees.

The theorem gains in interest if we realize that......

The usefulness and interest of this correspondence will of course be enhanced if there is a way of returning from the transforms to the functions, that is to say, if there is an inversion formula.

This class is wide enough to include a number of examples of interest.

It is therefore of interest to look at the asymptotic behaviour of......

Of particular interest to us is S(5,3).

Canonical products are of great interest in the study of entire functions of finite order.

The polynomials Ri do not have this stability property, and are therefore of little interest.

We now prove a result that may be of independent interest.

The case n=2 is of no interest since......

We have made modifications in the interest of readability.

 We shall be interested in seeing whether......

We now prove a lemma which is interesting in its own right.

The preceding proof contains a result which is interesting enough to be stated separately.

Interestingly, it turns out that there are examples of......

Galois correspondences are uninteresting from the dynamical point of view.

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