Mathematical English Usage - a Dictionary

by Jerzy Trzeciak


[see also: few

Then F is 2 less than G.

Let An be a sequence of positive integers none of which is 1 less than a power of two.

Thus F is less than or equal to G. [Not: “less or equal to G'', nor “less than or equal G'']

Here F is strictly less than G.

Thus F is no less than G.

Clearly, F is less than 1 in absolute value.

Less than 1 in p of its points will result in a quartic with ideal class number p.

Much less is known about hyperbolically convex functions.

Although our proof is a little tedious, it is much less so than Ito's original proof, which was carried out without the benefit of martingale technology.

This method is recently less and less used.

to <in> a lesser degree

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