Mathematical English Usage - a Dictionary

by Jerzy Trzeciak


[see also: assert, state, tell

When n=0, (7) just amounts to saying that......

This is the same as saying that......

The usefulness and interest of this correspondence will of course be enhanced if there is a way of returning from the transforms to the functions, that is to say, if there is an inversion formula.

To say that A is totally disconnected means that......

Thus f is bounded, and (1) says that f(a)=0.

This says (roughly speaking) that the real part of g is......

Let us state once more, in different words, what the preceding result says if p=1.

If we adjoin a third congruence to F, say a≡ b, we obtain......

In this case it is advantageous to transfer the problem to (say) the upper half plane.

Let D be a disc (with centre at a and radius r, say) in C.

Such cycles are said to be homologous (written c≈ c'). [Not: “are said homologous'']

We now exploit the relation (15) to see what else we can say about G.

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