Topology Atlas
Document # ppae-23
Morita equivalence in the context of Hilbert modules
Jan Paseka
Proceedings of the Ninth Prague Topological Symposium
pp. 223-251
The Morita equivalence of m-regular involutive quantales in the context of
the theory of Hilbert A-modules is presented.
The corresponding fundamental representation theorems are shown.
We also prove that two commutative m-regular involutive quantales are
Morita equivalent if and only if they are isomorphic.
Mathematics Subject Classification. 46M15 46L05 18D20 06F07.
Keywords. Morita equivalence, quantale.
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- arXiv
- math.OA/0204112
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Comments. This article is in final form.
Copyright © 2002
Charles University and
Topology Atlas.
Published April 2002.