Brian Raines, \emph{Orbits of turning points for maps of finite graphs and inverse limit spaces}, Proceedings of the Ninth Prague Topological Symposium (Prague, 2001), Topology Atlas, Toronto, 2002, pp. 253--263. arXiv:math.GN/0204137 @incollection {math.GN/0204137, author = {Raines, Brian}, title = {Orbits of turning points for maps of finite graphs and inverse limit spaces}, pages = {253--263}, booktitle = {Proceedings of the Ninth Topological Symposium (Prague, 2001)}, publisher = {Topology Atlas}, address = {Toronto}, year = {2002}, editor = {Petr Simon}, arxivnumber = {math.GN/0204137}, note = {arXiv:math.GN/0204137}, mrclass = {54H20 54F15 37E25}, }