Topology Atlas
Document # ppae-29
Quasiorders on topological categories
Vera Trnková
Proceedings of the Ninth Prague Topological Symposium
pp. 321-330
We prove that, for every cardinal number a
greater than or equal c, there exists a metrizable space X
with |X|=a such that for every pair of quasiorders <= 1,
<= 2 on a set Q with |Q| = a
satisfying the implication
q <= 1 q' implies q <= 2 q' |
there exists a system { X(q) : q in Q} of non-homeomorphic clopen
subsets of X with the following properties:
- q <= 1 q' if and only if X(q) is homeomorphic to a clopen
subset of X(q'),
- q <= 2 q' implies that X(q) is homeomorphic to a closed
subset of X(q') and
- not (q <= 2 q') implies that there is no one-to-one
continuous map of X(q) into X(q').
Mathematics Subject Classification. 54B30 54H10.
Keywords. homeomorphism onto clopen subspace, onto closed subspace,
quasiorder, metrizable spaces.
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- arXiv
- math.GN/0204143
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Comments. This article is in final form.
Copyright © 2002
Charles University and
Topology Atlas.
Published April 2002.