Zentralblatt MATH
Publications of (and about) Paul Erdös
Zbl.No: 046.04103
Autor: Erdös, Pál
Title: On the sum sumxk = 1 d(f(k)). (In English)
Source: J. London Math. Soc. 27, 7-15 (1952).
Review: Let d(n) denote the number of divisors of a positive integer n and f(x) be a polynomial with integral coefficients. The author proves that 0 < c1 < (limsupN > oo sumx = 1N d(f(x)) )/N log N < c2 < oo.
Reviewer: L.-K.Hua
Classif.: * 11N37 Asymptotic results on arithmetic functions
Index Words: number theory
© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag