Zentralblatt MATH
Publications in Combinatorics
Zbl 032.24405
de Bruijn, N.G.; Erdös, Paul
, On a combinatorial problem.
Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam 51, 1277-1279 (1948).
[Reviewer: Ernst Witt (Hamburg)]
, 05A05
Zbl 060.02808
Erdös, Paul; Kaplansky, Irving
, The asymptotic number of Latin rectangles.
Amer. J. Math. 68, 230-236 (1946).
[Reviewer: R.Sprague]
, 05B15 05A18
Zbl 060.02901
Erdös, Paul; Kaplansky, Irving
, Sequences of plus and minus.
Scripta Math. 12, 73-75 (1946).
[Reviewer: S.Bays]
, 05A15
Zbl 070.01101
Erdös, Paul; Rényi, Alfréd
, On some combinatorial problems.
Publ. Math., Debrecen 4, 398-405 (1956).
[Reviewer: A.Sade]
, 05B05 00A07
Zbl 093.32001
Chowla, S.; Erdös, Paul; Straus, E.G.
, On the maximal number of pairwise orthogonal latin squares of a given order.
Can. J. Math. 12, 204-208 (1960).
[Reviewer: P.Dembowski]
, 05B15
Zbl 116.01104
Erdös, Paul
, On a combinatorial problem
Nordisk Mat. Tidskr. 11, 5-10 (1963).
[Reviewer: W.Oberschelp]
, 05A99
Zbl 122.24802
Erdös, Paul; Hanani, H.
, On a limit theorem in combinatorial analysis
Publ. Math. 10, 10-13 (1964).
[Reviewer: H.B.Mann]
, 05A05 05A15
Zbl 125.28206
Erdös, Paul; Ginzburg, A.
, On a combinatorial problem in Latin squares
Publ. Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci., Ser. A 8, 407-411 (1963).
[Reviewer: V.Belousov]
, 05B15
Zbl 214.02703
Erdös, Paul; Hajnal, András
, Some results and problems on certain polarized partitions
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 21, 369-392 (1970).
, 05A18 00A07
Zbl 214.02801
Erdös, Paul; Kleitman, Daniel J.
, On collections of subsets containing no 4-member Boolean algebra
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 28, 87-90 (1971).
, 05A05
Zbl 216.01503
Erdös, Paul; Straus, E.G.
, Nonaveraging sets. II
Combinat. Theory Appl., Colloquia Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 4, 405-411 (1970).
, 05A99
Zbl 217.30701
Erdös, Paul; Herzog, M.; Schönheim, J.
, An extremal problem on the set of noncoprime divisors of a number
Isr. J. Math. 8, 408-412 (1970).
, 05A05
Zbl 219.05006
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, G.
, Some extremal problems in geometry
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 10, 246-252 (1971).
, 05B25
Zbl 222.05007
Erdös, Paul; Schönheim, J.
, On the set of non pairwise coprime divisors of a number.
Combinat. Theory Appl., Colloquia Math. Soc. János Bolyai 4, 369-376 (1970).
, 05A17
Zbl 246.05002
Erdös, Paul; Shelah, Saharon
, Separability properties of almost-disjoint families of sets.
Isr. J. Math. 12, 207-214 (1972).
, 05A05 04A20
Zbl 247.05007
Erdös, Paul; Spencer, Joel
, On a problem of Erdös and Hajnal.
Mat. Lapok 22(1971), 1-2 (1972).
, 05A10 05A05
Zbl 249.05003
Erdös, Paul; O'Neil, Patrik E.
, On a generalization of Ramsey numbers.
Discrete Math. 4, 29-35 (1973).
, 05A05
Zbl 249.05004
Erdös, Paul; Shelah, Saharon
, On problems of Moser and Hanson.
Graph Theory Appl., Proc. Conf. Western Michigan Univ. 1972, Lecture Notes Math. 303, 75-79 (1972).
, 05A05 05A10
Zbl 276.05001
Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.; Montgomery, P.; Rothschild, B.L.; Spencer, Joel; Straus, E.C.
, Euclidean Ramsey theorems. I.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 14, 341-363 (1973).
[Reviewer: W.Moser]
, 05A05 05A17 05B30 05-02
Zbl 276.05005
Abbott, H.L.; Erdös, Paul; Hanson, D.
, On the number of times an integer occurs as a binomial coefficient.
Am. Math. Mon. 81, 256-261 (1974).
, 05A10 11A41 05A15 11B39 11M99
Zbl 285.05004
Erdös, Paul
, Remark on a theorem of Lindström.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 17, 129-130 (1974).
, 05A05
Zbl 293.05004
Erdös, Paul; Selfridge, J.L.
, On a combinatorial game.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 14, 298-301 (1973).
[Reviewer: W.Vogel]
, 05A05 05C30 90D05
Zbl 308.05004
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul
, Extension de quelques théorèmes sur les densités de séries d'éléments de N a des séries de sous-ensembles finis de N. (Extension of some theorems on the density of series of elements of N to series of finite subsets of N.)
Discrete Math. 12, 295-308 (1975).
, 05A05 20M99
Zbl 312.05008
Erdös, Paul; Guy, Richard K.; Moon, J.W.
, On refining partitions.
J. London Math. Soc., II. Ser. 9, 565-570 (1975).
[Reviewer: W.Moser]
, 05A17
Zbl 313.05002
Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.; Montgomery, P.; Rothschild, B.L.; Spencer, Joel; Straus, E.G.
, Euclidean Ramsey theorems. II, III.
Infinite finite Sets, Colloq. Honour Paul Erdös, Keszthely 1973, Colloq. Math. Soc. Janos Bolyai 10, 529-558, 559-583 (1975).
[Reviewer: W.G.Brown]
, 05A05 05C15 04A20
Zbl 324.05018
Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ronald L.
, On packing squares with equal squares.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 19, 119-123 (1975).
[Reviewer: W.H.Mills]
, 05B40 52C17
Zbl 328.05018
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, George
, Some extremal problems in geometry. III.
Proc. 6th southeast. Conf. Comb., Graph Theor., Comput.; Boca Raton 1975, 291-308 (1975).
, 05B25 51M99
Zbl 383.05002
Erdös, Paul; Szemeredi, E.
, Combinatorial properties of systems of sets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 24, 308-313 (1978).
[Reviewer: W.Dörfler]
, 05A05 04A20
Zbl 384.05001
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.
, Intersection properties of systems of finite sets.
Combinatorics, Keszthely 1976, Colloq. Math. Janos Bolyai 18, 251-256 (1978).
, 05A05
Zbl 406.05012
Erdös, Paul
, Combinatorial problems in geometry and number theory.
Relations between combinatorics and other parts of mathematics, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. Am. Math. Soc., Columbus, Ohio 1978, Proc. Symp. Pure Math. 34, 149-162 (1979).
[Reviewer: J.W.Moon]
, 05A99 51Exx 11Axx 00A07
Zbl 407.05006
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.
, Intersection properties of systems of finite sets.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., III. Ser. 36, 369-384 (1978).
[Reviewer: R.K.Guy]
, 05A05
Zbl 414.05006
Conway, J.H.; Croft, H.T.; Erdös, Paul; Guy, M.J.T.
, On the distribution of values of angles determined by coplanar points.
J. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 19, 137-143 (1979).
[Reviewer: D.A.Klarner]
, 05A99 05A20
Zbl 415.05006
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in combinatorial analysis. II.
Creation Math. 10, 27-30 (1977).
[Reviewer: H.Kröger]
, 05A05 05C35 00A07
Zbl 422.05023
Erdös, Paul; Purdy, G.
, Some combinatorial problems in the plane.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 25, 205-210 (1978).
[Reviewer: D.A.Klarner]
, 05B25 51M05 00A07
Zbl 428.05008
Erdös, Paul
, Some combinational problems in geometry.
Geometry and differential geometry, Proc. Conf., Haifa 1979, Lect. Notes Math. 792, 46-53 (1980).
[Reviewer: H.Groh]
, 05A20 05A99 05-02 00A07 05B25 52A99
Zbl 429.05032
Erdös, Paul
, Some problems on elementary geometry.
Aust. Math. Soc. Gaz. 2, 2-3 (1975).
[Reviewer: W.Ströher]
, 05B30 05A99 00A07
Zbl 434.05001
Deza, M.; Erdös, Paul; Singhi, N.M.
, Combinatorial problems on subsets and their intersections.
Studies in foundations and combinatorics, Adv. Math., Suppl. Stud., Vol. 1, 259-265 (1978).
, 05A05
Zbl 439.05009
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in combinatorial analysis.
Creation Math. 11, 17-20 (1978).
[Reviewer: H.Kröger]
, 05A99 05C15 05C75 00A07
Zbl 443.05002
Duke, Richard A.; Erdös, Paul
, Systems of finite sets having a common intersection.
Proc. 8th southeast. Conf. on Combinatorics, Graph Theory, and Computing; Baton Rouge 1977, 247-252 (1977).
, 05A05
Zbl 477.05012
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on finite and infinite combinatorial analysis. II.
Logic and algorithmic, int. Symp., Zuerich 1980, Monogr. L'Enseign. Math. 30, 131-144 (1982).
, 05A17 04A20 05C65 00A07
Zbl 489.05003
Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.; Fueredi, Z.
, Families of finite sets in which no set is covered by the union of two others.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 33, 158-166 (1982).
[Reviewer: J.Libicher]
, 05A05 05B07 05C65
Zbl 496.05009
Erdös, Paul; Faber, Vance; Jones, F.
, Projective (2n,n,\lambda,1)-designs.
J. Stat. Plann. Inference 7, 181-191 (1982).
[Reviewer: G.Ferrero]
, 05B05 05B30 05C65 05B40
Zbl 499.05014
Erdös, Paul; Larson, J.
, On pairwise balanced block designs with the sizes of blocks as uniform as possible.
Ann. Discrete Math. 15, 129-134 (1982).
[Reviewer: E.F.Assmus jun]
, 05B05 05B25
Zbl 517.05018
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results on block designs and set systems.
Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Proc. 13th Southeast. Conf., Boca Raton 1982, Congr. Numerantium 35, 3-16 (1982).
[Reviewer: W.H.Mills]
, 05B30 05-02 05B40 00A07
Zbl 521.05004
Erdös, Paul; Silverman, R.; Stein, A.
, Intersection properties of families containing sets of nearly the same size.
Ars Comb. 15, 247-259 (1983).
[Reviewer: D.Kleitman]
, 05A05 05B25 60C05
Zbl 536.10007
Erdös, Paul; Guy, R.K.; Selfridge, J.L.
, Another property of 239 and some related questions.
Numerical mathematics and computing, Proc. 11th Manitoba Conf., Winnipeg/Manit. 1981, Congr. Numerantium 34, 243-257 (1982).
[Reviewer: K.Ramachandra]
, 11A25 11A41 05A10
Zbl 537.05015
Erdös, Paul
, Research problems.
Period. Math. Hung. 15, 101-103 (1984).
[Reviewer: W.Moser]
, 05B30 51A20 51E30
Zbl 541.05010
Erdös, Paul; Rothschild, B.; Straus, E.G.
, Polychromatic Euclidean-Ramsey theorems.
J. Geom. 20, 26-35 (1983).
[Reviewer: D.Kay]
, 05A17 05C55 00A07
Zbl 568.51011
Erdös, Paul
, Problems and results in combinatorial geometry.
Discrete geometry and convexity, Proc. Conf., New York 1982, Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. 440, 1-11 (1985).
[Reviewer: J.F.Rigby]
, 51D20 52A37 52A40 05A99 00A07
Zbl 575.05008
Erdös, Paul; Fowler, Joel C.; Sós, Vera T.; Wilson, Richard M.
, On 2-designs.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 38, 131-142 (1985).
[Reviewer: G.Ferrero]
, 05B05 05B20 51A05 51E30
Zbl 577.05007
Brown, T.C.; Erdös, Paul; Chung, F.R.K.; Graham, Ronald L.
, Quantitative forms of a theorem of Hilbert.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 38, 210-216 (1985).
[Reviewer: M.Cheema]
, 05A17 05C55
Zbl 587.05021
Erdös, Paul; Frankl, P.; Füredi, Z.
, Families of finite sets in which no set is covered by the union of r others.
Isr. J. Math. 51, 79-89 (1985).
[Reviewer: W.Carnielli]
, 05B40 05A99
Zbl 606.05005
Salamon, Peter; Erdös, Paul
, The solution to a problem of Grünbaum.
Can. Math. Bull. 31, No.2, 129-138 (1988).
[Reviewer: P.Salamon]
, 05A15 05B25 51E20
Zbl 628.05005
Erdös, Paul; Duke, Richard A.; Fowler, Joel C.; Phelps, Kevin T.
, Extremal problems for pairwise balanced designs.
Combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Proc. 16th Southeast. Conf., Boca Raton/Fla. 1985, Congr. Numerantium 48, 55-66 (1985).
[Reviewer: N.Brand]
, 05B05
Zbl 629.05006
Aigner, M.; Erdös, Paul; Grieser, D.
, On the representing number of intersecting families.
Arch. Math. 49, 114-118 (1987).
[Reviewer: Yu.M.Voloshin]
, 05A17 05A05 04A20
Zbl 655.05018
Erdös, Paul; Hickerson, D.R.; Norton, D.A.; Stein, S.K.
, Has every Latin square of order n a partial Latin transversal of size n-1?
Am. Math. Mon. 95, No.5, 428-430 (1988).
[Reviewer: J.Denes]
, 05B15 00A07
Zbl 656.05002
Erdös, Paul; Linial, N.; Moran, S.
, Extremal problems on permutations under cyclic equivalence.
Discrete Math. 64, 1-11 (1987).
[Reviewer: E.Fuchs]
, 05A05
Zbl 663.05013
Erdös, Paul
, Some old and new problems in combinatorial geometry.
Applications of discrete mathematics, Proc. 3rd SIAM Conf., Clemson/South Carolina 1986, 32-44 (1988).
, 05B25 05-02 00A07
Zbl 673.05007
Erdös, Paul; Nicolas, J.L.; Sárközy, A.
, On the number of partitions of n without a given subsum. I.
Discrete Math. 75, No.1-3, 155-166 (1989).
[Reviewer: G.L.Alexanderson]
, 05A17 05A15 11P81
Zbl 717.05017
Erdös, Paul; Spencer, Joel
, Lopsided Lovász Local lemma and Latin transversals.
Discrete Appl. Math. 30, No.2/3, 151-154 (1991).
, 05B15
Zbl 727.11009
Erdös, Paul; Nesetril, Jaroslav; Rödl, Vojtech
, On Pisier type problems and results (combinatorial applications to number theory).
Mathematics of Ramsey theory, Coll. Pap. Symp. Graph Theory, Prague/Czech., Algorithms Comb. 5, 214-231 (1990).
[Reviewer: St.Znám (Bratislava)]
, 11B75 05D10 00A07 05A18
Zbl 737.05006
Erdös, Paul; Hickerson, Dean; Pach, János
, A problem of Leo Moser about repeated distances on the sphere.
Am. Math. Mon. 96, No.7, 569-575 (1989).
, 05A05 05B30 00A07
Zbl 757.05010
Blass, Andreas; Erdös, Paul; Taylor, Alan
, Diverse homogeneous sets.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 59, No.2, 312-317 (1992).
[Reviewer: E.J.F.Primrose (Leicester)]
, 05A18
Zbl 760.05025
Erdös, Paul
, On some of my favourite problems in various branches of combinatorics.
Combinatorics, graphs and complexity, Proc. 4th Czech. Symp., Prachatice/Czech. 1990, Ann. Discrete Math. 51, 69-79 (1992).
, 05Cxx 00A07 05Axx
Zbl 774.05020
Erdös, Paul; Graham, Ron; Ruzsa, Imre Z.; Taylor, Herbert
, Bounds for arrays of dots with distinct slopes or lengths.
Combinatorica 12, No.1, 39-44 (1992).
[Reviewer: J.R.Seberry (Lincoln)]
, 05B15 05B30
Zbl 790.05008
Erdös, Paul; Richmond, L.B.
, On graphical partitions.
Combinatorica 13, No.1, 57-63 (1993).
[Reviewer: D.M.Bressoud (University Park)]
, 05A17 11B83 05C99
Zbl 844.05012
Bollobás, Béla; Erdös, Paul; Jin, Guoping
, Strictly ascending pairs and waves.
Alavi, Y. (ed.) et al., Graph theory, combinatorics, algorithms and applications. Vol. 1. Proceedings of the seventh quadrennial international conference on the theory and applications of graphs, Kalamazoo, MI, USA, June 1-5, 1992. New York, NY: Wiley, 83-95 (1995).
[Reviewer: R.Stanton (Winnipeg)]
, 05A99 68R15
Zbl 858.11051
Erdös, Paul; Graham, S.W.; Ivic, Aleksandar; Pomerance, Carl
, On the number of divisors of n!
Berndt, Bruce C. (ed.) et al., Analytic number theory. Vol. 1. Proceedings of a conference in honor of Heini Halberstam, May 16-20, 1995, Urbana, IL, USA. Boston, MA: Birkhäuser, Prog. Math. 138, 337-355 (1996).
[Reviewer: E.J.Scourfield (Egham)]
, 11N37 05A10
Zbl 868.05009
Bergelson, Vitaly; Erdös, Paul; Hindman, Neil; Luczak, Tomasz
, Dense difference sets and their combinatorial structure.
Graham, Ronald L. (ed.) et al., The mathematics of Paul Erdös. Vol. I. Berlin: Springer, Algorithms Comb. 13, 165-175 (1997).
[Reviewer: V.D.Tonchev (Houghton)]
, 05B10
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