Zentralblatt MATH
Cited Publications not Written by Paul Erdös
Zbl 067.27201
Centro Internazionale Matematico Estivo (C.I.M.E.). Teoria dei numeri. 2\circ Ciclo, Varenna, Villa Monastero 16-25 agosto 1955.
Roma: Istituto Matematico dell'Università (1955).
Zbl 077.00303
Proceedings of the international congress of mathematicians 1954. Amsterdam September 2-September 9. Vol. I. Organizational data. One hour lectures. Short lectures. Vol. II. Short lectures. Vol. III. Stated adresses in sections. Symposia.
Groningen: Erven P. Noordhoff N. V.: Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Co. (1957, 1954, 1956).
Zbl 094.17602
Beiträge zur Graphentheorie. Vorträge, die während eines graphentheoretischen Kolloquiums in Halle vom 22. bis 25. März 1960 gehalten wurden.
Wiss. Z. Martin-Luther-Univ. Halle-Wittenberg, Math.-Naturw. Reihe 10, 113-125 (1961).
Zbl 111.35001
General topology and its relations to modern analysis and algebra. Proceedings of the symposium held in Prague in September 1961
Prague: Publishing House of the Czechoslovak Academy of Sciences, 363 p. (1962).
Zbl 181.00202
Sammelband der zu Ehren des 250. Geburtstages Leonhard Euler's der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR vorgelegten Abhandlungen
Moskau: Verlag der Akademie der Wissenschaften der UdSSR. 606 S. (1958).
Zbl 184.27501
The many facets of graph theory. Proceedings of a conference at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo/MI 1968.
Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag. VIII, 290 p. (1969).
Zbl 185.00201
Abhandlungen aus Zahlentheorie und Analysis. Zur Erinnerung an Emund Landau (1877-1938)
Herausgegeben von Paul Turán. Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften; New York: Plenum Press. 355 S. (1968).
Zbl 208.00201
Proceedings of the second Chapel Hill Conference on combinatorial mathematics and its applications. Held at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, May, 1970
Chapel Hill, N. C.: University of North Carolina. 548 p. (1970).
Zbl 219.00001
Actes du congrès international des mathématiciens, 1-10 septembre 1970, Nice, France. Vol. 1: Documents. Médailles Fields. Conférences générales (G). Logique (A). Algèbre (B). Vol. 2: Géométrie et topologie (C). Analyse (D). Vol. 3: Mathématiques appliquées (E). Histoire et enseignement (F). (Papers of the international congress of mathematics, September 1-10, 1970, Nice/Fr. Vol. 1: Documents. Fields medals. General conferences (G). Logics (A). Algebra (B). Vol. 2: Geometry and topology (C). Analysis (D). Vol. 3: Applied mathematics (E). History and education (F)).
Paris: Gauthier-Villars. XXXIII, 532 p.; II, 959 p.; 371 p. (1971).
Zbl 309.00014
Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou 14e annee: 1972/73. Theorie des nombres. Fasc. 1: Exposes 1 a 16. Fasc. 2: Exposes 17 a 26, et groupe d'etude.
Paris: Secretariat mathematique. Pagination non continue. (1973).
Zbl 309.00015
Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou 15e annee: 1973/74. Theorie des nombres. Fasc. 1: Exposes 1 a 23. Fasc. 2: Groupe d'etude.
Paris: Secretariat mathematique. Pagination non continue. (1975).
Zbl 309.00016
Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou 16e annee: 1974/75. Theorie des nombres. Fasc. 1: Exposes 1 a 21. Fasc. 2: Exposes 22 a 26 et groupe d'etude.
Paris: Secretariat mathematique. Pagination non continue. (1975).
Zbl 312.00004
Proceedings of the 1972 number theory conference. University of Colorado, Boulder, Colorado, August 14-18, 1972.
Boulder, Colorado: University of Colorado, Department of Mathematics. 270 p. (1972).
Zbl 334.00019
Proceedings of 6th annual ACM symposium on theory of computing Seattle, Washington, April 30 - May 2, 1974.
New York, N. Y.: Association of Computing Machinery. IV, 347 p. $25.00 (1974).
Zbl 345.00007
Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. 17e annee: 1975/76. Theorie des nombres. Fasc. 2: Exposes 23 a 31. Groupe d'etude. Exposes G1 a G21.
Paris: Secretariat mathematique. Pagination non continue. (1977).
Zbl 348.00004
Colloquio internazionale sulle teorie combinatorie con la collaborazione della American Mathematical Society, Roma, 3-15 settembre 1973. Tomo II.
Atti dei Convegni Lincei. 17. Roma: Accademia Nazionale dei Lincei. 518 p. (1976).
Zbl 387.00005
Beiträge zur Graphentheorie und deren Anwendungen. Vorgetragen auf dem Internationalen Kolloquium in Oberhof (DDR) vom 10. - 16. April 1977. Veranstaltet von der Sektion Mathematik, Rechentechnik und ökonomische Kybernetik der Technischen Hochschule Ilmenau und der Mathematischen Gesellschaft der DDR.
Ilmenau: Techn. Hochschule. 320 S. (1977).
Zbl 406.00004
Problemes combinatoires et theorie des graphes. Orsay, 9-13 Juillet 1976.
Colloques internationaux du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, No.260. Paris: Editions du Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique. 443 p. F 345.00 (1978).
Zbl 418.00002
Proceedings of the tenth southeastern conference on combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Florida Atlantic University, Boca Raton, April 2-6, 1979. Vol. I, II. Ed. by F. Hoffman, D. McCarthy, R. C. Mullin, R. G. Stanton.
Congressus Numerantium XXIII, XXIV. Winnipeg: Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc. XI, XX, 939 p. (1979).
Zbl 418.00004
Seminaire Delange-Pisot-Poitou. 20e annee: 1978/79. Theorie des nombres. Fascicule 2: Exposes 22 a 33, et index cumulatif 1re a 20e annees, 1959/60 a 1978/79.
Universite Pierre et Marie Curie, Institut Henri Poincare. Paris: Secretariat Mathematique. Pagination non continue (1980).
Zbl 429.00013
Proceedings of the ninth Manitoba conference on numerical mathematics and computing, September 27-29, 1979. Ed. by G. H. J. van Rees and H. C. Williams.
Congressus Numeratium XXVII. Winnipeg: Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc. IX, 434 p. (1980).
Zbl 543.00003
Graph theory and combinatorics. Proceedings of the Cambridge Combinatorial Conference in Honour of Paul Erdös (1983).
London - Orlando etc.: Academic Press. XVII, 328 p. {$} 50.00; \sterling 32.50 (1984).
Zbl 556.00005
Mathematical structures. Computational mathematics. Mathematical modelling. 2. Papers dedicated to Academician L. Iliev's 70th Anniversary. (Matematicheskie struktury. Vychislitel'naya matematika. Matematicheskoe modelirovanie. 2. Trudy, posvyashchennye akademiky L. Ilievu k ego semidesyatuletiyu).
Bolgarskaya Akademiya Nauk. Edinyj Tsentr po Matematike i Mekhanike. Sofiya: Izdatel'stvo Bolgarskoj Akademii Nauk. 335 p. Lv. 4.60 (1984).
Zbl 671.00003
Jahrbuch 1988 der Kurt-Gödel-Gesellschaft.
Wien: Kurt-Gödel-Gesellschaft. 120 S. (1988).
Zbl 682.00006
Irregularities of partitions. Papers from the meeting held at Fertod, Hungary, from July 7th through 10th, 1986.
Algorithms and Combinatorics, 8. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3- 540-50582-2). 165 p. DM 74.00 (1989).
Zbl 131.01302
Abbott, H.L.; Moser, L., On a combinatorial problem of Erdös and Hajnal
Can. Math. Bull. 7, 177-181 (1964).
Zbl 618.00005
Adolphson, A.C.(ed.); Conrey, J.B.(ed.); Ghosh, A.(ed.); Yager, R.I.(ed.), Analytic number theory and diophantine problems. Proceedings of a Conference of Oklahoma State University (Stillwater), 1984.
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 70. Boston - Basel - Stuttgart: Birkhäuser. IX, 346 p.; DM 74.00; ISBN 0-8176-3361-8 (1987).
Zbl 601.00003
Akiyama, Jin (ed.); Ito, Yuji (ed.); Kanemitsu, Shigeru (ed.); Kano, Takeshi (ed.); Mitsui, Takayoshi (ed.); Shiokawa, Iekata (ed.), Number theory and combinatorics, Japan 1984. (Proceedings of the Conferences held in Tokyo, January 27-28, 1984, Okayama, January 30-31, 1984, Kyoto, February 1, 1984).
Singapore: World Scientific Publishing Co. VIII, 446 p.; ISBN 9971-978- 77-6 (1985).
Zbl 564.00004
Alavi, Y.(ed.); Chartrand, G.(ed.); Lesniak, L.(ed.); Lick, D.R.(ed.); Wall, C.E.(ed.), Graph theory with applications to algorithms and computer science. (Proceedings of the Fifth Quadrennial International Conference on the Theory and Applications of Graphs with special emphasis on Algorithms and Computer Science Applications, held at Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, June 4-8, 1984).
A Wiley-Interscience Publication. New York etc.: John Wiley & Sons. XV, 810 p. \sterling 46.00 (1985).
Zbl 243.00005
Alavi, Y.(ed.); Lick, D.R.(ed.); White, A.T.(ed.), Graph theory and applications. Proceedings of the conference at Western Michigan University, May 10-13, 1972.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 303. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer- Verlag. VIII, 329 p. DM 26.00; $ 8.30 (1972).
Zbl 734.00014
Alavi, Yousef (ed.); Chung, Fan R.K.(ed.); Graham, Ronald L.(ed.); Hsu, D.Frank (ed.), Graph theory, combinatorics, algorithms, and applications. Proceedings of the 2nd international conference, held at San Francisco, CA, USA, in July 24-28, 1989.
Philadelphia, PA: SIAM (ISBN 0-89871-287-4). xii, 635 p. $ 77.50 (1991).
Zbl 289.00007
Alekseev, V.B.(ed.); Gavrilov, G.P.(ed.); Sapozenko, A.A.(ed.), Theorie der Graphen. Bedeckungen, Packungen, Turniere. Sammlung von Übersetzungen. (Teorija grafov. Pokrytija, ukladki, turniry. Sbornik perevodov.).
Moskau: Verlag 'Mir'. 224 S. R. 0.83 (1974).
Zbl 129.05001
Alexits, G.; Kralik, D., Über den Annäherungsgrad der Approximation im starken Sinne von stetigen Funktionen
Publ. Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci., Ser. A 8, 317-326 (1963).
Zbl 226.00009
Alexits, G.(ed.); Stechkin, S.B.(ed.), Proceedings of the conference on constructive theory of functions. Approximation theory. August 24-September 3,1969.
Budapest: Akademiai Kiado. 538 p. DM 75.40 (1972).
Zbl 476.00003
Alladi, K.(ed.), Number theory. Proceedings of the Third Matscience Conference held at Mysore, India, June 3-6, 1981.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 938. Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag. IX, 177 p. DM 24.00; $ 10.70 (1982).
Zbl 547.00014
Alladi, K.(ed.), Number theory. Proceedings of the 4th Matscience Conference held at Ootacamund, India, January 5-10, 1984.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1122. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. VII, 217 p. DM 31.50 (1985).
Zbl 674.00006
Alladi, K.(ed.), Number theory, Madras 1987. Proceedings of the international Ramanujan centenary conference held at Anna University, Madras, India, Dec. 21, 1987.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1395. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag (ISBN 3- 540-51595-X). 234 p. DM 37.00 (1989).
Zbl 189.22904
Altman, E., On a problem of P. Erdös
Am. Math. Mon. 70, 148-157 (1963).
Zbl 619.05037
Anderson, I.; Hilton, A.J.W., The Erdös-Ko-Rado theorem with valency conditions.
Q. J. Math., Oxf. II. Ser. 37, 385-390 (1986).
Zbl 542.03038
Andréka, H.; Németi, I., Which finite cylindric algebras are generated by a single element?
Finite algebra and multiple-valued logic, Szeged 1979, Colloq. Math. Soc. János Bolyai 28, 23-39 (1981).
Zbl 114.40001
Andrasfai, B., Neuer Beweis eines graphentheoretischen Satzes von P. Turan
Publ. Math. Inst. Hung. Acad. Sci., Ser. A 7, 193-196 (1962).
Zbl 125.11802
Andrasfai, B., Graphentheoretische Extremalprobleme
Acta Math. Acad. Sci. Hung. 15, 413-438 (1964).
Zbl 418.00010
Artzy, R.(ed.); Vaisman, I.(ed.), Geometry and differential geometry. Proceedings of a conference held at the University of Haifa, Israel, March 18-23, 1979.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 792. Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag. VI, 443 p. DM 43.50; $ 25.70 (1980).
Zbl 256.00006
Asser, Günter (ed.); Flachsmeyer, Jürgen (ed.); Rinow, Willi (ed.), Theory of sets and topology. A collection of papers in honour of Felix Hausdorff (1868-1942).
Berlin: VEB Deutscher Verlag der Wissenschaften. 525 S. M 92.00 (1972).
Zbl 214.00106
Atkin, A.O.L.(ed.); Birch, B.J.(ed.), Computers in number theory. Proceedings of the science research council Atlas symposium No. 2 held at Oxford, from 18-23 August, 1969
London-New York: Academic Press xvii, 433 p. (1971).
Zbl 616.00008
Böröczky, K.(ed.); Fejes Tóth, Gábor (ed.), Intuitive geometry. (Papers presented at the International Conference on Intuitive Geometry held in Siófok, Hungary, May 12-18, 1985).
Colloquia Mathematica Societatis János Bolyai, 48. János Bolyai Mathematical Society, Budapest. Amsterdam etc.: North-Holland Publishing Company. 708 p.; Dfl. 295.00; (ISBN 0-444-879-33-1) (1987).
Zbl 144.33203
Bagemihl, F.; Piranian, G.; Young, G.S., Intersections of cluster sets
Bul. Inst. Politehn. Iasi, n. Ser. 5(9), No.3/4, 29-34 (1959).
Zbl 046.28004
Bagemihl, Frederick, A theorem on intersections of prescribed cardinality.
Ann. of Math., II. Ser. 5, 34-37 (1952).
Zbl 663.00003
Bagga, K.S.(ed.); Beineke, L.W.(ed.); Jones, R.P.(ed.); Lipman, M.J.(ed.); Pippert, R.E.(ed.), Proceedings of the 250th anniversay conference on graph theory held at Indiana University-Purdue University at Fort Wayne, March 13-15, 1986.
Congressus Numerantium, 63, 64. Winnipeg: Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Incorporated (ISBN 0-919628-63-X/vol. 63; 0-919628-64-8/vol. 64). 256 p./vol. 63; 288 p./vol. 64 (1988).
Zbl 644.00005
Baker, Alan (ed.), New advances in transcendence theory. (Proceedings of a Symposium, University of Durham, UK, July 1986).
Cambridge (UK): Cambridge University Press (ISBN 0-521-33545-0). xii, 434 p. \sterling 45.00; {$} 79.50 (1988).
Zbl 113.28302
Baker, I.N., Permutable power series and regular iteration
J. Aust. Math. Soc. 2, 265-294 (1962).
Zbl 047.05101
Bambah, R.P.; Davenport, H., The covering of n-dimensional space by spheres.
J. London Math. Soc. 27, 224-229 (1952).
Zbl 128.24103
Bar-Hillel, Y.; Poznanski, E.I.J.; Rabin, M.O.; Robinson, A., Essays on the foundations of mathematics
Dedicated to A.A. Fraenkel on his seventieth anniversary. Amsterdam: North-Holland Publishing Company 1962. X, 351 p. (1962).
Zbl 035.31102
Bateman, P.T., Note on the coefficients of the cyclotomic polynomial.
Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 55, 1180-1181 (1949).
Zbl 625.00018
Bauer, P.(ed.); Konecny, F.(ed.); Wertz, W.(ed.), Mathematical statistics and probability theory. Proceedings of the 6th Pannonian Symposium on Mathematical Statistics, Bad Tatzmannsdorf, Austria, September 14-20, 1986. Volume B: Statistical inference and methods.
Dordrecht etc.: D. Reidel Publishing Company, a member of the Kluwer Academic Publishers Group. XIII, 262 p.; Dfl. 148.00; {$} 49.00; \sterling 40.75; ISBN 90-277-2581-0 (1987).
Zbl 012.05203
Behrend, Felix, On sequences of numbers not divisible one by another.
J. London Math. Soc. 10, 42-44 (1935).
Zbl 057.28602
Bellman, Richard; Shapiro, Harold N., The distribution of squarefree integers in small intervals.
Duke Math. J. 21, 629-637 (1954).
Zbl 236.05129
Berge, Claude, Une condition pour qu'un hypergraphe soit fortement isomorphe a un hypergraphe complet ou multiparti.
C. R. Acad. Sci., Paris, Ser. A 274, 1783-1786 (1972).
Zbl 282.00007
Berge, Claude (ed.); Ray-Chaudhuri, Dijen (ed.), Hypergraph seminar, Ohio State University 1972.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 411. Berlin-Heidelberg-New York: Springer- Verlag. 287 p. DM 28.00; $ 11.50 (1974).
Zbl 711.00008
Berndt, Bruce C.(ed.); Diamond, Harold G.(ed.); Halberstam, Heini (ed.); Hildebrand, Adolf (ed.), Analytic number theory. Proceedings of a conference in honor of Paul T. Bateman, held on April 25-27, 1989, at the University of Illinois, Urbana, IL (USA).
Progress in Mathematics, 85. Boston etc.: Birkhäuser (ISBN 0-8176-3481-9). v, 558 p. SFR 88.00; DM 98.00 (1990).
Zbl 004.00601
Bernstein, Serge, Sur la limitation des valeurs d'un polynome Pn(x) de degre n sur tout un segment par ses valeurs en (n+1) points du segment.
Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Otd. Mat. Estest. Nauk, VII. Ser. No.8, 1025-1050 (1931).
Zbl 444.00010
Bertin, Marie-Jose (ed.), Seminaire de theorie des nombres, Paris 1979-80. Seminaire Delange-Pisot- Poitou.
Progress in Mathematics, Vol. 12. Boston - Basel - Stuttgart: Birkhäuser. IX, 394 p. DM 48.00 (1981).
Zbl 009.20002
Besicovitch, A.S., The asymptotic distribution of the numerals in the decimal representation of the squares of the natural numbers.
Math. Z. 39, 146-156 (1934).
Zbl 009.39504
Besicovitch, A.S., On the density of certain sequences of integers.
Math. Ann. 110, 336-341 (1934).
Zbl 063.00352
Besicovitch, A.S., A general form of the covering principle and relative differentiation of additive functions.
Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 41, 103-110 (1945).
Zbl 327.10055
Billingsley, Patrick, The probability theory of additive arithmetic functions.
Ann. of Probab. 2, 749-791 (1974).
Zbl 093.05003
Birch, B.J., Note on a problem of Erdös.
Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 55, 370-373 (1959).
Zbl 030.20102
Blackwell, David, A renewal theorem.
Duke Math. J. 15, 145-150 (1948).
Zbl 699.00014
Bloom, Gary S.(ed.); Graham, Ronald L.(ed.); Malkevitch, Joseph (ed.), Combinatorial mathematics: Proceedings of the third international conference, held in New York, USA, June 10-14, 1985.
Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 555. New York: New York Academy of Sciences (ISBN 0-89766-492-2/hbk; 0-89766-493-0/pbk). x, 436 p. {$} 109.00 (1989).
Zbl 050.28304
Boas, R.P.jun., Functions which are odd about several points.
Nieuw Arch. Wiskunde, III. R. 1, 27-32 (1953).
Zbl 419.05031
Bollobas, Bela, Extremal graph theory.
L. M. S. Monographs. 11. London - New York - San Francisco: Academic Press. XX, 488 p. \sterling 19.50; $ 40.35 (1978).
Zbl 376.05036
Bollobas, Bela; Hobbs, Arthur, Hamiltonian cycles in regular graphs.
Ann. Discrete Math. 3, 43-48 (1978).
Zbl 456.05037
Bollobas, Bela; Thomason, Andrew, Dense neighbourhoods and Turan's theorem.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 31, 111-114 (1981).
Zbl 567.52007
Boltyanskij, V.G.; Gokhberg, I.Ts., Results and problems in combinatorial geometry. Transl. from the Russian.
Cambridge etc.: Cambridge University Press. VII, 108 p. (1985).
Zbl 136.33004
Bombieri, E., On the large sieve
Mathematika, London 12, 201-225 (1965).
Zbl 498.05041
Bondy, J.A., Large dense neighbourhoods and Turán's theorem.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 34, 109-111 (1983).
Zbl 453.00012
Bondy, J.A.(ed.); Murty, U.S.R.(ed.), Graph theory and related topics. Proceedings of the conference held in honour of Professor W. T. Tutte on the occasion of his sixtieth birthday, University of Waterloo, July 5-9, 1977.
New York - San Francisco - London: Academic Press, A Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. XXXII, 371 p. $ 49.50 (1979).
Zbl 546.00007
Bondy, J.Adrian (ed.); Murty, U.S.R.(ed.), Progress in graph theory. (Proceedings of the second week of the Silver Jubilee Conference on Combinatorics, held in 1982 at the University of Waterloo, Ontario, Canada).
Toronto-Orlando etc.: Academic Press. XIII, 539 p. {$} 59.50; \sterling 49.00 (1984).
Zbl 682.10049
Bosznay, Á.P., On the lower estimation of non-averaging sets.
Acta Math. Hung. 53, No. ½, 155-157 (1989).
Zbl 174.52401
Bottema, O.; Dordevic, Radosav Z.; Janic, Racovan R.; Mitrinovic, D.S.; Vasic, Petar M., Geometric inequalities
Groningen, The Netherlands: Wolters-Noordhoff Publishing. 151 p. (1969).
Zbl 017.31302
Bourion, Georges, L'ultraconvergence dans les series de Taylor.
Paris: Hermann & Cie. 47 p. (1937).
Zbl 483.00007
Brannan, D.A.(ed.); Clunie, J.G.(ed.), Aspects of contemporary complex analysis. Proceedings of an Instructional Conference organized by the London Mathematical Society at the University of Durham, 1979 (a NATO Advanced Study Institute).
London etc.: Academic Press, a Subsidiary of Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, Publishers. XIII, 572 p. \sterling 45.00; $ 108.00 (1980).
Zbl 022.11106
Brauer, Alfred, On addition chains.
Bull. Am. Math. Soc. 45, 736-739 (1939).
Zbl 371.10009
Brillhart, John; Morton, Patrick, Über Summen von Rudin-Shapiroschen Koeffizienten.
Ill. J. Math. 22, 126-148 (1978).
Zbl 042.28805
Bruijn, N.G.de, Functions whose differences belong to a given class.
Nieuw Arch. Wiskunde, II. Ser. 23, 194-218 (1951).
Zbl 139.27203
Bruijn, N.G.de, On the number of positive integers \leq x and free of prime factors > y. II
Nederl. Akad. Wet., Proc., Ser. A 69, 239-247 (1966).
Zbl 029.19801
Bruijn, N.G.de; Springer, T.A., On the zeros of a polynomial and of its derivate. II.
Proc. Akad. Wet. Amsterdam 50, 458-464 (1947).
Zbl 685.00004
Capocelli, Renato M.(ed.), Sequences: combinatorics, compression, security, and transmission. Papers presented at the advanced international workshop, held June 6-11, 1988, in Naples, Italy.
New York etc.: Springer-Verlag (ISBN 0-387-97186-6). xii, 549 p. DM 98.00 (1990).
Zbl 385.05033
Catlin, Paul A., Hajos' graph-coloring conjecture: Variations and counterexamples.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 26, 268-274 (1979).
Zbl 266.04003
Chang, C.C., A partition theorem for the complete graph on \omega\omega.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. A 12, 396-452 (1972).
Zbl 459.00006
Chartrand, G.(ed.); Alavi, Y.(ed.); Goldsmith, D.L.(ed.); Lesniak-Foster, Linda (ed.); Lick, D.R.(ed.), The theory and applications of graphs. Fourth International Conference, May 6 - 9, 1980, Western Michigan University, Kalamazoo, Michigan.
New York etc.: John Wiley & Sons. XVI, 611 p. \sterling 22.00 (1981).
Zbl 275.05110
Chartrand, Gary; Schuster, Seymour, On the independence numbers of complementary graphs.
Trans. New York Acad. Sci., II. Ser. 36, 247-251 (1974).
Zbl 435.00002
Chinn, P.Z.(ed.); McCarthy, D.(ed.), Proceedings of the West Coast Conference on combinatorics, graph theory and computing, Humboldt State University, Arcata, California, September 5-7, 1979.
Congressus Numerantium XXVI. Winnipeg/Manitoba: Utilitas Mathematica Publishing Inc. VI, 322 p. (1980).
Zbl 001.32501
Chowla, S.D., Some problems of diophantine approximation. (I).
Math. Z. 33, 544-563 (1931).
Zbl 006.25403
Chowla, Sarvadaman, A theorem on characters. II.
J. Indian Math. Soc. 19, 279-284 (1932).
Zbl 009.25301
Chowla, Sarvadaman, A theorem on characters.
Tohoku Math. J. 39, 248-252 (1934).
Zbl 010.00803
Chowla, Sarvadaman, On abundant numbers.
J. Indian Math. Soc., n. Ser. 1, 41-44 (1934).
Zbl 032.11006
Chowla, Sarvadaman, Improvement of a theorem of Linnik and Walfisz.
Proc. Lond. Math. Soc., II. Ser. 50, 423-429 (1948).
Zbl 605.00005
Chudnovsky, D.V.(ed.); Chudnovsky, G.V.(ed.); Cohn, H.(ed.); Nathanson, M.B.(ed.), Number theory. A Seminar held at the Graduate School and University Center of the City University of New York 1984-85.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 1240. Berlin etc.: Springer-Verlag. V, 314 p.; DM 50.00; ISBN 3-540-17669-1 (1987).
Zbl 698.00036
Chudnovsky, David V.(ed.); Jenks, Richard D.(ed.), Computers in mathematics. Proceedings of the international conference, held July 29-August 1, 1986 on the campus of Stanford University, CA (USA).
Lectures Notes in Pure and Applied Mathematics Series, 125. New York etc.: Marcel Dekker, Inc. (ISBN 0-8247-8341-7). vii, 410 p. $ 107.50/outside US and Canada; {$} 89.75/US and Canada (1990).
Zbl 351.05120
Chvatal, V., Tree-complete graph Ramsey numbers.
J. Graph Theory 1, 93 (1977).
Zbl 471.00018
Ciesielski, Zbigniew (ed.), Approximation and function spaces. Proceedings of the International Conference held in Gdansk, August 27-31, 1979.
Amsterdam - New York - Oxford: North-Holland Publishing Company; Warszawa: PWN - Polish Scientific Publishers. XIV, 897 p. $ 127.75; Dfl. 275.00 (1981).
Zbl 553.00001
Ciesielski, Zbigniew (ed.); Olech, Czeslaw (ed.), Proceedings of the International Congress of Mathematicians, August 16- 24, 1983, Warszawa. Volumes 1, 2.
Warszawa: PWN-Polish Scientific Publishers; Amsterdam-New York-Oxford: North-Holland. LXII, X, 1730 p. (1984).
Zbl 142.04401
Collingwood, E.F., Cluster sets of arbitrary functions
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 46, 1236-1242 (1960).
Zbl 298.02004
Comfort, W.W.; Negrepontis, S., The theory of ultrafilters.
Die Grundlehren der mathematischen Wissenschaften. Band 211. Berlin- Heidelberg-New York: Springer-Verlag. X, 482 p. DM 98.00; $ 40.00 (1974).
Zbl 307.00009
Corneil, D.(ed.); Mendelsohn, E.(ed.), Proceedings of the conference on algebraic aspects of combinatorics. University of Toronto, Toronto, January, 1975.
Congressus Numerantium XIII. Winnipeg: Utilitas Mathematica Publishing, Inc. VIII, 296 p. (1975).
Zbl 013.10802
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Cited Publications not Written by Paul Erdös
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© European Mathematical Society & FIZ Karlsruhe & Springer-Verlag
Cited Publications not Written by Paul Erdös
Continued ...
Zbl 038.18601
Rényi, A., Über die Darstellung der geraden Zahlen als Summe einer Primzahl und einer Fast-Primzahl.
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Rényi, Alfréd, On the minimal number of terms of the square of a polynomial.
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Zbl 033.16201
Rényi, Alfréd, Un nouveau theoreme concernant les fonctions independantes et ses applications a la theorie des nombres.
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Zbl 034.02403
Rényi, Alfréd, On the large sieve of Ju. V. Linnik.
Compositio Math. 8, 68-75 (1950).
Zbl 036.16203
Rényi, Alfréd, On a theorem of Erdös and Turan.
Proc. Am. Math. Soc. 1, 7-10 (1950).
Zbl 067.10401
Rényi, Alfréd, On a new axiomatic theory of probability.
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Zbl 079.08901
Rényi, Alfréd, Representations for real numbers and their ergodic properties.
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Zbl 033.25302
Rado, R., Axiomatic treatment of rank in infinite sets.
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Zbl 055.04903
Rado, R., Direct decomposition of partitions.
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Zbl 057.04302
Rado, R., Partial well-ordering of sets of vectors.
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Zbl 033.11601
Radström, Hans, On the zeros of successive derivatives of entire functions.
Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 35, 399-404 (1949).
Zbl 019.39403
Rankin, R.A., The difference between consecutive prime numbers.
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Zbl 025.30702
Rankin, R.A., The difference between consecutive prime numbers. 2.
Proc. Camb. Philos. Soc. 36, 255-266 (1940).
Zbl 692.00014
Rao, C.R.(ed.); Rao, M.M.(ed.), Multivariate statistics and probability. Essays in memory of Paruchuri R. Krishnaiah.
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Zbl 465.00006
Rao, S.B.(ed.), Combinatorics and graph theory. Proceedings of the Symposium Held at the Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta, February 25-29, 1980.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics, 885. Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag. VII, 500 p. DM 53.50; $ 24.90 (1981).
Zbl 299.00015
Rauzy, G.(ed.), Repartition modulo 1. Actes du colloque de Marseille-Luminy, 4 au 7 Juin 1974.
Lecture Notes in Mathematics. 475. Berlin - Heidelberg - New York: Springer-Verlag. VI, 258 p. DM 25.00 (1975).
Zbl 398.00002
Ray-Chaudhuri, D.K.(ed.), Relations between combinatorics and other parts of mathematics. Proceedings of the symposium in pure mathematics of the American Mathematical Society held at the Ohio State University, Columbus, Ohio, March 20-23, 1978.
Proceedings of Symposia in pure Mathematics, Vol. XXXIV. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. XIII, 378 p. $ 23.20 (1979).
Zbl 693.00019
Ray-Chaudhuri, Dijen (ed.), Coding theory and design theory. Part II: Design theory. Proceedings of a workshop which was an integral part of the 1987-88 IMA program on applied combinatorics, Minneapolis, MN(USA).
IMA Volumes in Mathematics and Its Applications, 21. New York etc.: Springer-Verlag (ISBN 0-387-97231-5). xiii, 378 p. DM 78.00 (1990).
Zbl 033.12702
Reifenberg, E.R., A problem on circles.
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Zbl 010.24801
Ricci, Giovanni, Ricerche aritmetiche sui polinomi. II. (Intorno a una proposizione non vera di Legendre.).
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Zbl 363.10032
Richmond, L.B., A problem of Erdös concerning partitions.
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Zbl 262.10026
Rieger, G.J., Bemerkung zu einem Ergebnis von Erdös über befreundete Zahlen.
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Zbl 021.01003
Rigge, Olov, Über ein diophantisches Problem.
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Zbl 655.00007
Ringeisen, Richard D.(ed.); Roberts, Fred S.(ed.), Applications of discrete mathematics. Proceedings of the third SIAM conference on discrete mathematics, Clemson, South Carolina, May 14-16, 1986.
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Zbl 078.00805
Riordan, John, An introduction to combinatorial analysis.
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Zbl 176.51401
Rogers, C.A., Packing and Covering. (Cambridge Tracts in Mathematics and Mathematical Physics. No. 54)
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Zbl 009.00801
Romanoff, N.P., Über einige Sätze der additiven Zahlentheorie.
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Zbl 549.00001
Rosenfeld, M.(ed.); Zaks, J.(ed.), Convexity and graph theory. Proceedings of the Conference on Convexity and Graph Theory, Israel, March 1981.
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Zbl 019.39401
Rosser, Barkley, The n-th prime is greater than n log n.
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Zbl 024.25004
Rosser, Barkley, Explicit bounds for some functions of prime numbers.
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Zbl 122.05001
Rosser, J.; Schoenfeld, L., Approximate formulas for some functions of prime numbers
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Zbl 261.05118
Rosta, Vera, On a Ramsey-type problem of J. A. Bondy and P. Erdös. I.
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Zbl 261.05119
Rosta, Vera, On a Ramsey-type problem of J. A. Bondy and P. Erdös. II.
J. Comb. Theory, Ser. B 15, 105-120 (1973).
Zbl 432.00006
Rota, Gian-Carlo (ed.), Studies in foundations and combinatorics.
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Zbl 057.03902
Roth, K.F.; Szekeres, George, Some asymptotic formulae in the theory of partitions.
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Zbl 117.17302
Sachs, H., Regular graphs with given girth and restricted circuits
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Zbl 333.10039
Saffari, B., On the asymptotic density of sets of integers.
J. London Math. Soc., II. Ser. 13, 475-485 (1976).
Zbl 071.28401
Salem, R.; Zygmund, Antoni, A note on random trigonometric polynomials.
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Zbl 304.10034
Sarközy, A., On products of integers.
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Zbl 134.27801
Sarközy, A.; Szemeredi, E., Über ein Problem von Erdös und Moser
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Zbl 213.51004
Sauer, N., On the factorisation of the complete graph into factors of diameter 2
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Zbl 195.33001
Scheid, Harald, Die Anzahl der Primfaktoren in n\choose k
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Zbl 065.27103
Schinzel, A., On functions \phi(n) and \sigma(n).
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Zbl 070.04201
Schinzel, A.; Wang, Y., A note on some properties of the functions \phi(n), \sigma(n) and \theta(n).
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Zbl 081.04203
Schinzel, A.; Wang, Y., A note on sompe properties of the functions \phi (n), \sigma (n), \theta (n).
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Zbl 667.00007
Schlickewei, Hans Peter (ed.); Wirsing, Eduard (ed.), Number theory. Proceedings of the 15th journées arithmétiques held in Ulm, FRG, September 14-18, 1987.
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Zbl 143.02501
Schmidt, W.M., Ein kombinatorisches Problem von P. Erdös und A. Hajnal
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Zbl 013.39302
Schoenberg, I.J., On asymptotic distributions of arithmetical functions.
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Zbl 286.10023
Scourfield, E.J., An asymptotic formula for the property (n,f(n)) = 1 for a class of multiplicative functions.
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Zbl 028.34802
Selberg, Atle, On the normal density of primes in small intervals, and the difference between consecutive primes.
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Zbl 036.30603
Selberg, Atle, An elementary proof of Dirichlet's theorem about primes in an arithmetic progression.
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Selberg, Atle, An elementary proof of the prime-number theorem.
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Zbl 344.10003
Selmer, Ernst S., On the number of prime divisors of a binomial coefficient.
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Zbl 205.08601
Shankar, H.(ed.), Mathematical essays dedicated to A. J. Macintyre.
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Shao, Pin-Tsung, On the distribution of the values of a class of arithmetical functions.
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Zbl 267.10048
Sheng, T.K., Distribution of rational points on the real line.
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Sierpinski, W., Remarque sur une hypothese des Chinois concernant les nombres (2n- 2)/n.
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Sierpinski, W., Un théorème concernant les fonctions continues dans les ensembles ordonnés.
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Sierpinski, Waclaw, Sur un problème de la théorie des relations.
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Sierpinski, Waclaw, Remarque sur la repartition des nombres premiers.
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Zbl 015.39705
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Zbl 122.04602
Sierpinski, W., Sur les suites d'entiers deux a deux premiers entre eux
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Zbl 316.01012
Sierpinski, Waclaw, OEuvres choisies. Tome III: Theorie des ensembles et ses applications. Travaux des annees 1930-1966. Publie par les soins de Stanislaw Hartman, Kazimierz Kuratowski, Edward Marczewski, Andrzej Mostowski et Andrzej Schinzel.
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Zbl 146.25403
Simon, H., Artinian and noetherian hypercentral groups
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Zbl 619.00005
Simpson, Stephen G.(ed.), Logic and combinatorics. Proceedings of the AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference held August 4-10, 1985 (at Humboldt State University, Arcata, California), with support from the National Science Foundation.
Contemporary Mathematics, Vol. 65. Providence, Rhode Island: American Mathematical Society. XI, 394 p.; {$} 37.00; ISBN 0-8218-5052-0 (1987).
Zbl 019.00502
Singer, James, A theorem in finite projective geometry and some applications to number theory.
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Zbl 335.05125
Slater, Peter J., Generalized soldering.
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Zbl 253.05145
Sos, Vera T., On extremal problems in graph theory.
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Specker, Ernst, Teilmengen von Mengen mit Relationen.
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Zbl 022.30904
Spencer, D.C., On a Hardy-Littlewood problem of diophantine approximation.
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Zbl 119.34304
Spitzer, F., Principles of random walk
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Zbl 254.00005
Srivastava, Jagdish N.(ed.); Harary, Frank (ed.); Rao, C.R.(ed.); Rota, G.-C.(ed.); Shrikhande, S.S.(ed.), A survey of combinatorial theory.
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Zbl 066.03101
Stöhr, Alfred, Gelöste und ungelöste Fragen über Basen der natürlichen Zahlenreihe. I, II.
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Zbl 144.28205
Stark, H.M., On the asymptotic density of the k-free integers
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Zbl 090.25101
Stearns, Richard, The voting problem.
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Stein, S.K., Transversals of Latin squares and their generalizations.
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