Archivum mathematicum

ISSN 1212-5059 · Volume 45 (2009), No. 4 · Electronic Edition

Teresa Arias-Marco
Constant Jacobi osculating rank of $\mathbf{U(3)/(U(1) \times U(1) \times U(1))}$
pp. 241–254: Abstract, GZIP-PS (572 KiB), PDF (594 KiB)

Jaroslav Hrdina
Almost complex projective structures and their morphisms
pp. 255–264: Abstract, GZIP-PS (420 KiB), PDF (438 KiB)

Klaus Bering and Tom Lada
Examples of homotopy Lie algebras
pp. 265–277: Abstract, GZIP-PS (417 KiB), PDF (421 KiB)

Michal Lenc, Jana Musilová, and Lenka Czudková
Lepage forms theory applied
pp. 279–287: Abstract, GZIP-PS (363 KiB), PDF (375 KiB)

Katharina Neusser
Universal prolongation of linear partial differential equations on filtered manifolds
pp. 289–300: Abstract, GZIP-PS (422 KiB), PDF (439 KiB)

Claude Roger
Gerstenhaber and Batalin-Vilkovisky algebras; algebraic, geometric, and physical aspects
pp. 301–324: Abstract, GZIP-PS (537 KiB), PDF (533 KiB)

Alena Vanžurová
Metrization of connections with regular curvature
pp. 325–333: Abstract, GZIP-PS (399 KiB), PDF (409 KiB)