Advances in Difference Equations
Volume 2009 (2009), Article ID 128602, 27 pages
Research Article

Global Behavior of Solutions to Two Classes of Second-Order Rational Difference Equations

Department of Mathematics, University of Rhode Island, Kingston, RI 02881, USA

Received 9 December 2008; Accepted 7 July 2009

Academic Editor: Ondrej Dosly

Copyright © 2009 Sukanya Basu and Orlando Merino. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


For nonnegative real numbers α, β, γ, A, B, and C such that B+C>0 and α+β+γ>0, the difference equation xn+1=(α+βxn+γxn1)/(A+Bxn+Cxn1), n=0,1,2, has a unique positive equilibrium. A proof is given here for the following statements: (1) For every choice of positive parametersα, β, γ, A, B, and C, all solutions to the difference equationxn+1=(α+βxn+γxn1)/(A+Bxn+Cxn1), n=0,1,2,,x1,x0[0,)converge to the positive equilibrium or to a prime period-two solution. (2) For every choice of positive parametersα, β, γ, B, and C, all solutions to the difference equationxn+1=(α+βxn+γxn1)/(Bxn+Cxn1), n=0,1,2,,  x1,  x0(0,)converge to the positive equilibrium or to a prime period-two solution.