International Journal of Mathematics and Mathematical Sciences
Volume 7 (1984), Issue 3, Pages 619-620

Another note on almost continous mappings and Baire spaces

Jingcheng Tong

Department of Mathematics, Wayne State University, Detroit 48202, Michigan, USA

Received 2 July 1982

Copyright © 1984 Jingcheng Tong. This is an open access article distributed under the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.


The following result is proved:

Let Y be a second countable, infinite topological space with an ascending chain of regular open sets. Then a topological space X is a Baire space if and only if every mapping f:XY is almost continuous on a dense subset of X.

It is another improvement of a theorem of Lin and Lin [2].