The Terwilliger Algebra of a Distance-Regular Graph that Supports a Spin Model
John S. Caughman1
and Nadine Wolff2
1Department of Mathematical Sciences Portland State University P.O. Box 751 Portland OR 97207-0751
2Department of Mathematics University of Hawaii at Hilo 200 W. Kawili St. Hilo HI 96720
2Department of Mathematics University of Hawaii at Hilo 200 W. Kawili St. Hilo HI 96720
DOI: 10.1007/s10801-005-6913-1
denote a distance-regular graph with vertex set X, diameter D
3, valency k
3, and assume
supports a spin model W. Write W =
i = 0 D t i A i where A i is the ith distance-matrix of
. To avoid degenerate situations we assume
is not a Hamming graph and t i
{ t 0, - t 0 } for 1
D. In an earlier paper Curtin and Nomura determined the intersection numbers of
in terms of D and two complex parameters
and q. We extend their results as follows. Fix any vertex x
X and let T = T( x) denote the corresponding Terwilliger algebra. Let U denote an irreducible T-module with endpoint r and diameter d. We obtain the intersection numbers c i( U), b i( U), a i( U) as rational expressions involving r, d, D,
and q. We show that the isomorphism class of U as a T-module is determined by r and d. We present a recurrence that gives the multiplicities with which the irreducible T-modules appear in the standard module. We compute these multiplicites explicitly for the irreducible T-modules with endpoint at most 3. We prove that the parameter q is real and we show that if
is not bipartite, then q > 0 and
is real.

Pages: 289–310
Keywords: key words distance-regular graph; spin model; Terwilliger algebra
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8. B. Curtin and K. Nomura, “Some formulas for spin models on distance-regular graphs,” J. Combin. Theory Ser. B 75 (1999), 206-236.
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