M. Campercholi, D. Vaggione, Facultad de Matematica, Astronomia y Fisica (Fa.M.A.F.), Universidad Nacional de Cordoba-Ciudad Universitaria, Cordoba 5000, Argentina, e-mail: vaggione@mate.uncor.edu
Abstract: Let $L$ be an MS-algebra with congruence permutable skeleton. We prove that solving a system of congruences $(\theta _{1},\ldots ,\theta _{n};x_{1} ,\ldots ,x_{n})$ in $L$ can be reduced to solving the restriction of the system to the skeleton of $L$, plus solving the restrictions of the system to the intervals $[x_{1},\bar {\bar x}_{1}],\dots ,[x_{n},\bar { \bar x}_{n}].$
Keywords: MS-algebra, permutable congruence, congruence system
Classification (MSC2000): 06D30, 06-02
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