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Contact Information


I. Personal information

City State
Postal Code Country

II. Type of registration

Please check type of registration:

Full participation (€ 200 Euros) (Full participation includes lunch Sunday and Monday, a copy of the book Nexus IV: Architecture and Mathematics, and a post-conference excursion to Alcobaça and Batalha)
with (number) of accompanying persons (€ 100 Euros per person)
Single days only (€ 50 Euros per day) number of days
Student (€ 25 Euros)
Members of Portuguese Ordem dos Arquitectos, Associação de Professores de Matemática and Sociedade Portuguesa de Matemática (€ 50 Euros)

Conference fees are payable at the time of the conference. Registration will take place on Saturday 15 June 2002 at the Auditorium "Casa de Musica" where the conference will take place

III. Hotel accommodations required

Hotel category
***Hotel (double € 75 Euros per night, single € 60 Euros per night, bath in room, breakfast included)
***Hotel (double € 56 Euros per night, single € 47 Euros per night, bath in room, breakfast included)
**Hotel (double € 50 per night, single € 35 per night, bath in room, breakfast included)

Room type:
Double room, queen-sized bed
Double room, twin beds
Single room

Hotel availability is limited. You will be asked to confirm your hotel reservations with a credit card number by fax sent directly to the hotel. We recommend confirming hotel reservations no later than one month in advance of the conference.

IV. Post-Conference excursion to the Monasteries of Alcobaça and Batalha. To take place to take place Tuesday 18 June, in the afternoon after the closing of the conference, from approximately 14:30 to 19:30. Transportation will be provided to and from Óbidos. A minimum of 10 people is required to make the excursion possible.

I am interested in participating in the excursion

I am not interested in participating in the excursion

Preregistration forms can also be submitted by regular mail to:

Kim Williams, Director
Nexus: Architecture and Mathematics
Via Mazzini, 7
50054 Fucecchio (Firenze) Italy

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